Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 5 "Monster" Review

Caitlin visits her mother to help her understand her growing meta-human powers, while Barry tries to convince Julian to let him help investigate a new meta-human attacking Central City.

This was a very interesting episode that had some parts to it that I wasn't expecting and with that, I was pleasantly surprised by some of the story plots they decided to take. I really liked the line when Barry first runs into the monster and Cisco wants him to describe it and all Barry can say is that it is a monster, I found that kind of funny and very original Flash comics campy kind of way. All the parts with Joe in this episode and Iris trying to convince him that it is okay for him to date felt like a bunch of pointless scenes in this episode, and kind of like another story plot that they wanted in this episode but they just couldn't fit it in. And with that Joe and Iris in this episode were really kind of thrown in there here and there without any real reason behind it what so ever. I really like the new Wells because he is so different from the others and really brings a new aspect to the team, but he also has this such high creepiness about him that he has to be up to something not good. Then I really liked all the moments with Julian and having this episode be somewhat about him and figuring out what he is truly all about. I thought that was a really interesting idea they decided to go with and the way they went about doing it was very well organized and really fun to watch. The twist ending of who the actual villain was in this episode I didn't really care for, but it did kind of go to show that not all the bad guy in Central City have to be meta-humans. All the parts with Caitlin in this episode were also really interesting with the fact you finally got introduced to a bit of her past by meeting her mother and really seeing the disconnect they have with each other. I really like what they are doing with Caitlin to as she is becoming Killer Frost because it is very similar to the comics where the more she uses her abilities the colder her temperature get until it gets to the point of where she starts freezing in her own body and need other to help her. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see more. 

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