Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 5 "Crossfire" Review

Supergirl faces a ruthless new gang that's been given new alien technology by Cadmus.

This was a very interesting episode that really seemed like it was trying to be more than it actually was. This was all about humans getting their hands on alien weapons and everyone freaking out about it, which the amount everyone was freaking out felt like a bit of overkill in my mind. I really hated the line of "the second amendment gives us the right to bare arms and that should equate to alien weapons too." That is such a stupid line and I just didn't like how it was through in there when I heard that line it really made my skin crawl. Then the fact that because this one small group of humans got their hands on some alien weapons it made people want to get rid of the alien amenity act, that made no sense to me at all because those are two very different things. Then the fact that people are freaking out this much in general made no sense with the fact that it isn't an army so several groups of people with these weapons it is one group, and they aren't even all that great with the weapons anyway. I liked that in this episode they finally talked about more or less that Winn did quit from Catco to work for the DEO, it was something that was bugging be but now it is fully resolved. Then all the moments with Mon-El were really interesting, I liked seeing him develop his human personality as Mike and seeing how excited Kara was just to have all her hopes for him crushed. I also kind of liked that they went a bit of the Superman route with Mike with having one of his unsaid abilities be that he is just incredibly attractive to almost every women. Then the ending between the two of them was great where Kara settles on the fact that Mike is not her and she has to learn to accept the fact that he needs to go out and figure things out for himself, and she is just more there as a helpful hand. Lena and her party in this episode were really great at the moment of switching between Kara and Supergirl that had to happen at the party. But with how this episode ended for Lena it makes me, even more, certain that she is just like her brother she is just better at hiding how she truly feels about a situation. James wanting to be a superhero on his own is a very interesting idea that I don't know how I feel about it, but I do hope they give at least one good scene where both Supergirl and Superman try and talk him out of it just for him to prove them wrong and that he can be his own hero. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.     

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