Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Gotham Season 3 Episode 8 "Blood Rush" Review

Captain Barnes begins to feel the effects of a recent incident and starts to go mad. Meanwhile, Nygma is out of his depth in his relationship with Isabella, and Carmine Falcone throws his son Mario and Leslie Tompkin's an engagement party.

This was a very exciting and great episode that left me so happy and really fangirling so much. I really love that this episode focused pretty much just on Barnes and everything that was going on with him. Just watching Alice's blood effect him more and more was really interesting to see. I really enjoyed the scene where Barnes went to the Mad Hatter in Arkham to see if there is a way around the effects and I fairly surprised Barnes didn't kill are harm the Mad Hatter in any drastic way. All the parts with the killer surgeon were really interesting but I wish they would have been a bit more of a forefront topic in this episode than what they were because he was just kind of sprinkled in there without any real depth to him. I knew they were going to bring the Judge into this season because they have to in order to make the Court of Owls storyline work out right but they way they showed the origin of the Judge in this episode is what really made my fan heart fall in love because for me it was kind of unexpected and just done so well. Then Nygma and Isabella were really interesting in this episode but also a little creepy with the depth they went to to prove that they can trust each other and know that Nygma won't every hurt her. I was not all that surprised when Penguin finally had enough of their relationship and decided to end it himself the only way he really knows how to. Overall this was a really fun and great episode, and I'm really excited to see what they will do next now that Gordon knows Barnes secret.   

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