Monday, November 14, 2016

Gotham Season 3 Episode 9 "The Executioner" Review

Gordon and Bullock become suspicious of Barnes and go through evidence of a murder at Lee and Mario's engagement party. Nygma goes to Penguin when he doesn't hear from Isabella. Ivy leads Selina and Bruce to trouble when she reveals her identity.

This was a really great episode to wrap up everything that happened in the last episode as well as try to add something for future episodes. I loved all the scenes with Gordon and him trying to sneak around Barnes and figure out what the truth is. The number of bodies that Barnes was leaving behind does make me wonder why they didn't talk about the massive amount of dead people in the city more, but that could easily be a timing thing and nothing more. Then I'm curious to know how Barnes realized that Gordon was on to him because he went from suspicious to killer pretty quickly after just a few odd things that Gordon was doing. The whole chase scene between Gordon and Barnes was really great, and I love how the police wouldn't believe Bullock if he says that Barnes was sick so Bullock had to get Lee's help. The moments with Ivy were great for the fact of being able to see more of her and I like that she doesn't have her normal comic powers per say but she is using her knowledge of plants to be almost like a superpower which I really like. Then the key that the group found I curious to know more about that and who the group is that is trying to track them down. Then Nygma on the investigation to figure out what happened to Isabella had some good moments to it but for the most part, it was a little boring. I like the scene where he is at the train line putting the clues together in his head, that was fun to see him using his brain to see the parts that don't add up. Overall this was a fun episode to watch and had some parts to it that I really enjoyed.

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