Monday, November 28, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 9 "Changelings" Review

Mr. Gold has gone too far, he is turning back into the beast that everyone feared, He has made Belle go into labor.

This was a very interesting episode that had some good moments but I really don't know how I feel about the episode as a whole. I liked the struggle of who is worse between Gold and the Evil Queen where there once growing relationship is now completely broken and falling apart. The fight between Zelena and the Evil Queen I was really hoping that there would be more to it because that is a fight I would rather enjoying watching, but Zelena just went and got the crap beaten out of her without  even trying to fight back. It was nice to have Regina back in the picture with Zelena after they have been ignoring each other even if it wasn't fully intentional to do so. All the moments with Belle were really great both in the current times and flashback moments. I liked the story of how Rumple's mother is a fairy and a dark one at that it is a really interesting story idea that I hope they expand on a bit more in the future. And it was also an interesting connection they decided to make to give a reason as to why Rumple hates fairies. Then all the dream moments between Belle and her son were really well done but I wish Gideon could have explained a bit more beyond saying things like "you know what to do," or "the answer is right in front of you," those seemed like such weak lines to me. The ending was kind of cool and I liked that Belle didn't tell Gold the name of their son, that I found a very clever moment to connect to the character of Rumple and the power he can do with just simply having a name. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and it was done really well for it not being about the more main characters of the story.       

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