Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 6 "So It Begins" Review

Felicity and Curtis learn that Prometheus' victims have a mysterious link to Oliver's past that could upend his new team.

This was a very interesting episode that didn't have much to it in my mind as a plot. This episode was much more about showing off Prometheus as a character and getting to know just a small bit more about him. I really liked the beginning little moment where Spartan and Green Arrow were out hunting for Prometheus and were talking about how all of it could be a trap and they turned out to be right, that was a really fun little introduction to the episode in my mind. Bringing back Oliver's kill list from the first season I thought was such a great idea to bring some things together. I also really liked Prometheus's idea with bringing back the kill list and using that to prove that Oliver is the bad guy in the situation. Then how all the rest of the team reacted to this news was not all that surprising to me and in fact, I thought it was the perfect reaction for each of them. Then within that, I liked that they made the comment that Oliver has been the Arrow throughout all of the name and costume changes. The fight scene between Evelyn and Prometheus was really well done at not being too long or dramatic but still showing both their abilities and I thought it was really great. The reveal at the end of who Prometheus possibly is I was not expecting at all and it literally left me with my mouth dropped open. Overall this was a really good episode just not one I was super in love with.

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