Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 8 "Medusa" Review

As Eliza comes to National City for Thanksgiving, Kara turns to Lena for help when Cadmus unleashes a virus that instantly kills aliens, then is asked by Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon for help with an alien invasion on their Earth.

This was such a great episode that had so many really great moments to it that was just really fun to watch. I did like in the beginning of this episode where James and Alex are fighting over whose moment this Thanksgiving dinner is going to be for. Whether it is going to be about Alex coming out to everyone or if it will be James telling Kara he is the Guardian. The whole Medusa sickness is kind of cool but I don't quite understand how it worked. Because originally it was made by the Kryptonians to kill off all other aliens that aren't Kryptonian, but then for some reason, it also doesn't affect humans either. I mean I could understand if it was said that the Cadmus scientist tweaked with the virus to make it not affect humans, but I don't think that was every really brought up. It was kind of cool to see this growing relationship between Kara and Mon-El, and I want to know if Mon-el truly can't remember what happened or if he was faking it. Then bringing Eliza into the mix as a bit of the DEO's like emergency doctor was kind of cool that they chose to include her into so much of this episode. Lena's whole roll in this episode was so cool to watch as see how she is not like her brother or mother and just watching her make her own decisions on how she wants to live her life. And I really did like the line that Lena said to Supergirl which went along the line of "Your cousin went after my brother, you're going after my mother, so how long till you start coming after me." That was such a great line to throw in there because it is so true. Then the ending between Barry and Kara was so nice and simple, I do wish they could have done a bit more with it but maybe they will in The Flash episode. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what the rest of the episodes will bring for the major team up.    

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