Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gotham Season 3 Episode 10 "Time Bomb" Review

A threat to Lee and Mario is exposed on the eve of their rehearsal dinner and Falcone comes to Jim for help. Meanwhile, Nygma plans his revenge and Bruce learns more about the Court of Owls.

This was a really great episode that had so many parts to it that I really enjoyed watching. All the moments with Nygma in this episode were really great with him going through all this stuff trying to make Butch feel the same way he is feeling. And with that all the moments with Barbra were really interesting to see how much she has learned from Tabitha in the way of getting information out of people. I was also interesting in how they decided to show that Butch is actually innocent by having him admit that he killed Isabella but end up describing the killing wrong. Then Bruce finding this other group that opposes the Court of Owls and are finding a way to bring them down was very cool. But I knew with the power the Court of Owls have this other group would last very long especially after coming in contact with Bruce. I still really want to know more about the key that Bruce has because they did say that it leads to the way to bring down that Court of Owls and they originally thought there was only one key and then they discovered there was two. The fact that Bruce decided to go with this other group is probably not going to end well for him either because the Court of Owls is easily not that far away from him. The whole part surrounding Mario was kind of cool because of all the different paths leading to the final solution was kind of cool. I did really like the fact that Lee and Gordon finally sort of broke up and said there goodbyes to each other. It was also really cool tat they finally started to show Alice's blood affecting Mario because I forgot that he came in contacts with some of her blood. It is a little sad though to because it just so happens that Mario goes crazy just at the moment Lee finally has the chance to be happy.  Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what Barbra has cooked up to stir up so drama.

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