Thursday, November 3, 2016

Code Black Season 2 Episode 5 "Landslide" Review

The doctors treat victims who were caught in a landslide; the entire ER is put at risk when children with measles are brought in.

This was a really interesting episode that had a lot of chaos to it that at first, I had no idea what they were going to do, but they managed to keep everything under control. All of the camper kids were a little annoying with how no one in that group seemed to listen to each other, and up until the end of this episode, it really didn't seem like that group was getting anywhere. I did really love the line between Angus and Leanne in on of these scenes where she talks about being a parent and sort of telling Angus that he is in similar circumstances when it comes to his feelings with Mike. The victims of the mudslide where a little weird because the two main peoples emotions seemed to be polar opposites of each other. Then when the girl kept saying that the guy murdered her fiancĂ© I thought there would be a bit more behind that claim but really it was just her emotions making her jump to conclusions. Then the ending where the fiancĂ© turns out to still be alive I don't really care for because I would much rather the two forgive each other instead of having the third come in and clear things up. Then I really want to know what is going on with Dr. Guthrie because I have my guesses but I really want to hear the truth. I really loved the ending between Angus and Mario because it was so sweet and necessary for both of their characters. Overall I really loved this episode and it was a really enjoyable watch.   

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