Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 6 "Shade" Review

Wally has visions of being Kid Flash, so Barry must tell him about what happened in Flashpoint to keep him safe.

This was a very interesting episode that had some moments that got a little long, but for the most part, it was really fun to watch. I like that they finally are doing stuff with Alchemy, I wish they would have done a bit more, but still the one major scene he was in it was done really well. Then it was kind of cool to see what Alchemy did to the people as he talked to them and tried to convince them to find him. That was nice to see that they kept the similarities between when Wally was affected and when Magenta was affected. Wally's whole quest to be a hero is getting a little annoying to hear, and that goes for both sides of the argument. I kind of like the growing separation I am sensing between Iris and Barry but I don't care for how slowly everything seems to be going for them. The whole movie scene was really fun and had great little moments in there. Caitlin telling Cisco about her abilities I think was really great to some degree so maybe there is a way for her to not fully follow in her comics footprints because she has people there who will support her. But with what Cisco's vision showed there might be some conflict before that come together moment happens. H.R.'s device to disguise himself and be able to leave S.T.A.R. labs and do some other things I think is kind of cool but also a little strange because in the last few episodes hasn't he been leaving to go and get coffee and food and stuff, so why is this all being brought up just now in this episode. Then H.R.'s whole plan to reopen S.T.A.R. labs to some degree is a very interesting idea because is makes sense to make them all seem less suspicious as to why they are always hanging out in a supposed empty lab. But also it is a little dangerous because anyone could easily walk in on them working. Overall I enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what the next one will bring.     

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