Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 4 "Survivors" Review

Supergirl tries to stop an alien fight club run by Roulette, while Hank gets to know M'Gann.

This was a really interesting episode that took some steps to it that I wasn't expecting but it still was a really great episode that I enjoyed watching. I really liked the character of Roulette her style and tattoo was really well done as well as the acting job of her, but everyone around her was a little confusing with how thy seemed to agree with everything she says and never questions it.   I really like the scenes with Winn and Mon-El and I'm going through all this training to see what Mon-El's abilities are now that he's on earth and just seeing how different he is compared to Kara. And then the scene one they finally go out in public together is also really fun with how just everything goes wrong and it is sort of all blamed on Winn it was just really funny to see how everything just went. Then the actual fighting scenes at the fight club were really kinda cool for what they did show which was not as much as I was expecting. Then all the scenes with Hank and Miss Martian were kind of weird with how they went about doing things and how they seem to know each other but not really know each other. But the actual fight scene between the two of them was really cool, but with how it ended where they just kind of forgave each other was kinda confusing and kinda came out of nowhere in my opinion. But then ending where we found out the truth about Miss Martian I was not expecting it all and I kinda can't wait to see how that will play out in the future. Then I really like all the scenes where Kara's at her job and her job somewhat becomes similar to Superman's where most of her resources are coming from herself but she reports them as coming from Supergirl, I thought that was really funny kinda clever thing to put in there. Then all the scenes with Alex and Maggie were kind of cool but also kind of pointless for what else was in this episode. Overall I have say though that I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see more.

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