Thursday, November 10, 2016

Code Black Season 2 Episode 6 "Hero Complex" Review

Malaya must inform a college student that she's been raped, while Willis and Campbell argue over a terminally ill woman who wishes to die on her own terms.

This was a really great episode that managed to show so much emotion with almost every moment in this episode. All the parts with the rape victim were so great at showing everything that happens to the victim after the rape and with the music and camera style of it all, it managed to put so much emotion into every part of it. And the twist of all the other people involved I was not expecting it at all but when the truth came out a lot more made since. Then having Malaya as her doctor I thought was a really great idea because they got to work through some things together. The comedian that needed surgery was a really great idea to have in this episode because the moments he was shown in really added a bit of light to this otherwise very sad and a bit dark episode. I am so happy that they brought Mike back into the mix of things and I had a feeling when he had the fall that he might have broken his spine and couldn't walk, which did happen. But they manage to fix it and all those moments were really great at showing some bonding between Angus and his father. Then the girl who wanted to die was such a great story to see how she was more than willing to die but everyone around her didn't want to let her go, including Campbell. Which of course bugged me because he didn't want this girl to die even though she wanted to, but he is more than willing to go down to the ER and dictate who he chooses to live and die. Then the ending moment between the girl and her mother was so sweet and great, and I do have to say I feel a little bad that Campbell wasn't there to say goodbye to her. Overall this was a really great episode and a definite favorite.   

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