Saturday, November 7, 2015

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 2 "Stronger Together" Review

Kara must put doubts aside as she tries to apprehend an escapee from the Kryptonian prison; Cat pressure James for an interview with Supergirl.

This was again a really great episode. I really enjoyed all the scenes where some of the main characters each find out the others who know Kara is Supergirl. I also really like all the on and off again play of trying to get a interview with Supergirl "before Clark Kent or Lois Lane could." The fight between Kara and her aunt was really cool but the comment at the end with the aunt saying Supergirl was stronger then she thought was a little weird because she was absolutely destroying Supergirl. I'm also curious if in the comic books the people of Krypton didn't have any idea what Kryptnite was because it seems in this show it's something the humans know about and use as a tool but Kara and her aunt had no idea about it until they where shown it and the effects it has on them. So was that the same in the comic books? Over all this was a really great episode and I hope to see the interview in the next episode.

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