Saturday, November 7, 2015

Minority Report Season 1 Episode 7 "Honor Among Thieves" Review

Things don't go as planned when Dash tries to investigate a murder on his own, forcing Vega to seek Arthur's help; personal details of the past are revealed.

This was a really great episode without Dash. The whole episode revolves around Arthur working with Vega to get Dash back. I didn't really care for the story line that it was actually particularly Arthur's fault that Dash was captured. It just seemed like a easy way for the writers to keep Arthur involved for more then just brotherly love, but it did eventually lead up to a really cool ending. I really liked all the flash back scenes where they just got out of the milk bath and where on there way to Fiddlers Neck. the flash backs showed that Arthur was once the one who wanted to save people but I'm guessing after seeing his first death in real life that was what changed him. I don't quite understand how Dash's kidnapping makes up for Dash stopping Arthur from saving that one girl but some how it did. Over all this was a really good episode.

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