Saturday, November 14, 2015

Agents Of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 7 "Chaos Theory" Review

As Daisy and the team try to protect Inhumans, a shocking truth is revealed about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s biggest enemy; with Fitz's help, Simmons recovers information that could get them back through the portal.

This was a really great episode that brought a break from Lash. I like that Lincoln is here to stay at least for a little while. Fitz watching all the old recording Simmons made when she was stuck on the alien planet was really sad but also very cute. It was a little cliché when May put Andrew in the stasis box and Coulson ask "how did you know that wouldn't kill him," and May responded "I didn't". The ATCU and who there actually working with surprised me but I also had a bit of a gut feeling that something was off about them. And that is also why I have the notion that Lash will be back at some point. I really liked the whole take down of Lash scene, it was all filmed and choreographed really well. Over all I really enjoyed this episode.

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