Saturday, November 14, 2015

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 7 "Nimue" Review

Merlin takes Emma on a journey to confront his nemesis; in a flashback, a young Merlin falls in love with a refugee named Nimue.

This was a really good sort of connecting episode where a lot of the background plots where brought into existence. Nimue and Merlin's whole love story was really sweet and I like the connection with the flower that Guinevere loved.I was a little confused at first about who the original dark on was but that confusion went away pretty quickly. I like that this episode brought up the fact that much like Rumpelstiltskin Emma still has some goodness in her that made her hesitate in gabbing the sward. I kind of want to see some of what the other Dark Ones over the years were like because we have only scene 5 of them, so I want to know about some of the others because in one scene it looked like there were thousands of them. Over all I really enjoyed this episode.

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