Friday, November 20, 2015

American Horror Story Hotel Episode 6 "Room 33" Review

Ramona and Donovan enact their plan for revenge; Liz Taylor finds true love; the resident of Room 33 is revealed.

This was a really good episode full of a lot of drama. John has pretty much fully crossed over to the land of crazy and his ex-wife is not helping him with this at all in fact she is making it worse and I really am not caring much for her at all. Liz's story line in this episode was really great but sad even though I kind of knew that the one kid wouldn't last long. The resident in room 33 was not who I was expecting I was thinking that it might be Mach's wife that little had been said about. I did like the little tie back to season 1 it was really great to see the characters and house again. I don't care much for the two ghost girls trying to find there purpose now that there stuck in the hotel forever they seem like characters that are going to get really annoying and old fast. I really liked how much Liz is willing to help everyone out when there in trouble and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. Over all this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.

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