Saturday, November 7, 2015

Agents Of Shield Season 3 Episode 6 "Among Us Hide ..." Review

The stakes get higher as May and Hunter pursue Ward and Hydra; Coulson thinks the ATCU could be keeping a big secret.

This episode left me speechless with all the secrets that where relieved. The biggest one is you find out who Lash is and it is not someone I would have guessed in a million years. Now thinking back on other things this person said just makes some of what they said even creeper. The second big thing is what the ATCU does to the inhumans they catch, which is putting them to sleep in some jell-o. But it is also cool that the ATCU is actually working on a cure to help fix the inhumans. Ward and Hydra still kind of boars me and I hope it picks up sometime here soon. I feel like in episodes to come Fitz is going to change his opinion on helping Simmons because of love. Over all this was a really enjoyable watch that left me amazed.  

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