Monday, November 2, 2015

Heroes Reborn Season 1 Episode 7 "June 13 - Part One" Review

Noah and Hiro join forces to return to the events of June 13, 2014, that set everything in motion; Mohinder receives a message from Angela Petrelli about Erica's motives; Hachiro moves against Hiro.

This was a really good episode with a lot of twists and turns to it. So Noah and Hiro create a lot of butterflies so there hopes to save Clare and the summit really didn't go as planed.  The connection between Tommy and Malina I really did not expect at all and I'm still trying to work through it in my head. I also wasn't expecting Mr. Otomo to be such a bad guy like he is. And Phoebe can spread her shadow to stop all other powers quite a ways away from her. But most of the other things told in this episode you already knew from past explanation the character said. Over all I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see part 2.

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