Sunday, October 29, 2017

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 3 "Chapter Sixteen: The Watcher in the Woods" Review

Archie takes matters into his own hands; An unexpected turn of events leads the town to realize their darkest chapter may be far from over.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that wasn't all that exciting but it continued to do a lot of setting up of bigger plot points. And everything around Archie in this episode was interesting to see him starting up this whole group to do what they felt the police couldn't do and trying to catch this masked man so they're hanging up posters and making videos to show themselves off and referring to themselves as the red circle was interesting but I'm wondering what all the repercussions might be for Archie in the future when someone in the group gets out of hand or something goes wrong I'm just interested to see what's all going to happen there. Then the moments with Betty and her family were really great with them finally getting a message from the masked man and him saying that he wants to be known for the killing said he did he wanted to be posted publicly in the paper and stuff like that makes me really interested to see what's all in store for Betty's family in the future with them being the one who runs the paper. Then the moments between Betty and Kevin in this episode were really interesting and I kind of want to know more about what Kevin was up to because Betty was so afraid for him and all his antics that he did that night that I want to know a bit more about what Kevin was doing besides him just going out for runs and hitting on guys. Then I really loved everything with Jughead in this episode and him starting up his life at his new school and him figuring out who he should be friends to stay safe and that and Southside school you definitely need friends otherwise bad things will happen to you. And him working on trying to keep some of his old life from Riverdale High present in his new school by working on the paper and everything around that was really fun. Then the moments with Veronica in this episode okay with her continuing on her quest to figure out what her family is up to and her introducing her friends and Archie more to her father and with how this episode ended for Veronica and her father makes me really interested to see what secrets her parents are going to continue to hide from her. And then just overall this was a really interesting and fun episode that makes me really curious to see what's all going to happen moving forward.

American Horror Story: Cult Episode 8 "Winter of Our Discontent" Review

Ally confronts Kai meanwhile Winter must choose between Kai and Beverly when he makes a questionable decision.

This was a really amazing and entertaining episode that was so great to watch and see how everything was done and what all might happen going forward. And I really love that most of this episode revolved around Winter and her dealing with everything that's going on with Kai and her trying to decide if she is going to stick with her brother because he's her brother or if she's going to go with Beverly and try and protect herself. And I just really loved how she dealt with everything that Kai sort of threw out to her and how she sort of evolve to settling on that her brother really is out of hand with him making all these decisions to try and keep the cult going after he dies because he fully thinks that he's going to die at some point. And then I really loved the moment when Winter has to face off against the detective and she sort of harkens back to the last episode was Valerie Solanas and she tries to get the detective to call himself a turd and she calls him scum and does all this different stuff was just really amazing to see her finally sort of start to stand up for herself and making decisions for herself. And then the moments with Beverly or interesting with how everything ended and how it all sort of interconnected back to Winter because at the beginning of this episode Beverly made the comment to Winter that she had so much time to try and get her brother back on the right track otherwise Beverly was going to go and kill him so how old it turned out was just really amazing. Then the moments with Ally were really great with her whole conversation with Kai and her trying to understand why he's doing what he's doing and the fact that she joined the cult in this episode to try and get back her son and trying to get back everything that she wants makes me really excited to see what's all going to happen between Ally and Ivy in the next episodes. Then Kai's older brother's whole story makes me really curious to know what he actually had planned whether it is what Ally said that his brother really had a plan which was that he wants to try and have all these documents saying that he was trying to get Kai committed for insanity as a way that once Kai's plans eventually fail he will have a backup to say that he knew about it and he tried to stop it or if his older brother was actually genuinely trying to help Kai all that I'm really interested to know more about but with how this episode ended I don't think that's going to happen. And then just overall this was a really amazing and entertaining episode that you really need to watch to fully understand what all happened in what's all going on.

The Flash Season 4 Episode 3 "Luck Be a Lady" Review

A new meta called Hazard causes bad luck for Barry and the team, while Harry Wells returns to Earth-1 with a message for Wally from Jesse.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was so much fun to watch and see how they decide to do everything. And I really loved what they did with the character of Hazard where she was very different from any other villain because her whole backstory was that she used to be in a lifestyle of constant bad luck but then when she was changed she got into this major streak of having good luck and everyone else around her sort of got her bad luck. Then how they decide to do her sort of taking on her new lifestyle was interesting in the conversation between her and Barry where they are talking about everything that she's doing and she just kind of states it as well now everyone else gets to know how she felt, that was really interesting. And then I really liked how they would portray her overall where she didn't exactly want to hurt anyone and she wasn't like out for revenge or anything she just wanted to enjoy finally having luck on her side and that was a real sort of interesting character to see and I really loved it. Then I am really happy that they did bring back Harry because they definitely need a Wells because every other season so far there has been a Wells at some point and out of all them Harry has definitely been my favorite so I'm really happy that he's back and I hope that he sticks around for a bit longer than a couple of episodes. And then everything around the break-up of Wally and Jesse wasn't all that exciting to me because their relationship was not really ever shown that much so it wasn't that big of an impact in my mind. But I am really interested to see how Wally is going to grow as a character now that he's off doing his own thing away from the rest of the team and I'm really excited to see how that's all going to interconnect later on in the whole arrowverse scheme. Then the moments with Joe or really fun with him deciding if he wants to sort of sell the house and create a whole new life with Cecile and with how this episode ended for Joe I'm just really interested to see what's all going to happen in his life. And then just overall this was a really fun and exciting episode that was so entertaining to watch and see how all the different characters dealt with the bad luck that they were dealt.

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 5 "Sci Hard" Review

While attending a tech convention, Team Scorpion is taken hostage by a group attempting a virtual heist.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that was kind of nice because it was a very different story than something that they've done before with how the group was all broken up and how they solve the problems that they faced. And I really kind of like the moments with Walter and Paige in this episode and them being part of the group that was captured and are being held hostage and they sort of have to talk to the gunman to try and figure out what they want and how to get them what they want and do it without causing any death. And it was especially interesting with what the gunman wanted which was access to this bank that one of their sort of friends that they have pop up like once a season and the big problem that occurs is that this bank doesn't actually exist because the tech genius hadn't finished it yet. So the team had to come up with a different way to try and convince the gunman that they've gotten their money without actually having any money to give. Then the moments with Happy and Toby were fun with them being the two people outside of the arena and them having to deal with the police questioning what their motives are and all that stuff, and the best moments were when they had to go and actually rob a bank so then they had money to give the gunman. Then the moments with Cabe in this episode were really fun with him being the one person inside the building who wasn't taken hostage so he has to be there to sort of help Walter and Paige out and also dealing with all the gunman that stumble upon him. Then Sylvester was fun in his moments where he's trying to take his bar exam but also trying to help team Scorpion and he has to find a way to do both and the prospector who was watching over everything he's doing was just a fun little addition to everything. And I'm really curious to know if Sylvester actually passed the test by just getting the 80 questions that he did do done correctly or if the Prospectors just passed him because they knew that he needed to pass. And then just overall this was a really fun and interesting episode to watch.

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 3 "Far from the Tree" Review

Maggie reaches out to her estranged father when Eliza throws her and Alex a wedding shower, while Supergirl joins J'onn on a personal mission.

This was a really entertaining and interesting and exciting episode watch and see how everything turned out. I really kind of like that all of this episode revolved on Dad's and father figures and how all that interconnected and worked in this episode. I really enjoyed the moments with Maggie trying to connect with her father and trying to figure out what went wrong in the relationship and trying to establish a relationship again and just I really enjoyed how all that turned out and especially the whole speech that she gave her father at the very end of their scenes together where she talked about how she was originally like a scared girl trying to get your approval and stuff like that but she's learned to grow past that and she's her own woman now and all the stuff her father didn't want her to be and she accepts that as herself. And stuff like that was just really interesting to hear come out of her mouth but then I also like those little moments with her father trying to get along with her and trying to understand her and that was just really great and interesting to see. Then all the moments with J'onn trying to help out M'gann back on Mars and figure out what she's all been up to and stuff like that was really interesting with what it reveal to J'onn about the fact that his father didn't die in the camps and stuff he's still alive and that thought this a rouge group of white Martians that are working with M'gann is actually trying to stop the big final test that the white Martians are doing and stuff like that but they need J'onn's father's help to be able to find the staff and how it worked out and all that was really interesting. And I just really enjoy those moments in the beginning where J'onn's father doesn't believe that he is his son he believes that it's a white martian playing trick on him and how it eventually was revealed J'onn is his son was really interesting. And it was really interesting how Supergirl was kind of a supportive character in this episode even though I'm mostly here to watch Supergirl it was interesting to see her step down and give someone else center stage. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next. 

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 4 "eXit strategy" Review

The mutants devise a plan to take down Sentinel Services; Eclipse looks to an old friend to obtain information; Lauren and Andy attempt to combine their powers to help the group.

It was a really great and entertaining episode that was so much fun to see how everything turned out and how they fix all the problems that they faced. And I really like the moments between Lauren and Andy in this episode and them figuring out a way to combine their powers to make them into a stronger force where Andy's powers are used for its destructive ability and then Lauren's powers are there to sort of guide Andy's. I just really like that because as I've said before their powers are really interesting because they're so similar but also really different. Then the whole plan to actually try and stop the Sentinel security trucks bringing Reed and Polaris to there high-security prison was really interesting to see all the different problems that they faced when their plans to go quite right. And I really loved the introduction of this other mutant who is a friend of Thunderbird and this other mutants ability is to sort of stop other mutants from using their abilities so that was interesting how Sentinel security was using mutants to sort of helping them. And then just the whole action sequence of everyone trying to get in and stop the Sentinel security was just so interesting and fun to see how every single one of the main characters played into it. Then the moments between Polaris and Reed in this episode were really interesting with how they started out not wanting to work with each other because Polaris sees Reed as the enemy but then when it came down to it they learn to work together and I'm just really interested to see how that might work in Reed's favor in the future. And then just overall this was a really amazing and entertaining episode watch and see and I'm really excited to see where the story go now that everyone's back together.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Arrow Season 6 Episode 2 "Tribute" Review

 Anatoly returns to Star City with a sinister agenda as Oliver tries to balance being the mayor, the Green Arrow and William's father.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that did a really nice job of having a bunch of really solid storylines going on all at once. I really liked all the moments with Oliver struggling to try and keep his other identity a secret from the public now that everyone's on high alert trying to prove whether he is the Green Arrow or not. And it was really interesting that they brought this FBI agent in to look into the case of Oliver Queen and that seems like a really interesting side storyline to keep going back to so I'm excited about that. And I really liked all the moments with Felicity and Curtis looking into the photo that seemed to prove Oliver as being the Green Arrow and them trying to find some way of how this picture got taken or what's all going on with it. Then the moments with Oliver trying to step up and become a father was really interesting with him trying to find a way to be what William need him to be and with how this episode ended I find it really interesting the choice he decided to make but I don't think it's going to last that long because Oliver will always be the Green Arrow. Then moments between Dinah and Diggle we're really interesting with the truth coming out more about what is wrong with Diggle and why he isn't firing his gun and the fact that they chose to keep it a secret up until the very end where they tried to tell the truth but just didn't get the chance to was really interesting and I'm curious to see what's going to happen when the truth does come out. Then all the moments with Anatoly we're really interesting with him using his and Oliver's old friendship as a weapon against Oliver as well as the fact of Oliver being under the public eye to his advantage to get Oliver to do whatever he wanted. But then the reveal at the end that Anatoly wasn't the one who put out the photo of Oliver makes me very interested to see who actually did. Then just overall this was a really interesting and great episode that I'm very curious to see where they're going to take the storyline.

Gotham Season 4 Episode 5 "The Blade's Path" Review

Nygma uses Butch to regain power and identity; Sofia Falcone appeals to Penguin's vulnerable side; Bruce makes bold moves with the dagger in his possession.

This was a really interesting and great episode that left a lot of doors open for where they could take the story. Everything around Bruce this episode was really interesting with him going up against Ra's al Ghul and he sort of figures out more what his possible destiny is and what Ra's al Ghul wants from him. And with how this episode ended I'm very curious to know what they're going to do with the story because they seem to be putting such an emphasis on Ra's al Ghul being around that it would be interesting to see what they're going to do now because they essentially killed him off so he's not there to train Bruce like in the classic sense so maybe he needed Bruce to kill him to like gain more power or something and eventually he'll come back and a reincarnated form or something because it seems so weird for them to just introduce him and then kill him off few episodes later. But then everything Penguin and Sophia were really great with Sophia doing everything I thought she would do and trying to gain Penguins trust and have him on her side too then eventually turn on him and that I'm really excited to see. And then everything with Nygma in this episode was really interesting with how they chose to bring back Butch and have him be Solomon Grundy which is a Gotham character I'm not that familiar with so I'm very interested to see what they're going to do with that storyline and it definitely is a storyline that I'm much more interested in seeing if that's going to be the redemption storyline that seems to be that I'm kind of okay with it. So overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I'm really excited to see where they're going to take the storyline next.

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 2 "Chapter Fifteen: Nighthawks" Review

With the gunman still at large, Betty leads the charge to save Pop's from closing; Jughead's attempt to find FP a new lawyer may have some serious repercussions.

This was a really entertaining and great episode that had a lot of just really nice moments in this episode. Betty in this episode was so so interesting to see how she was done and just watching her completely flip on the whole idea of being a really nice girl because she absolutely blackmailed Cheryl in this episode and that was amazing to see because earlier this episode Jughead made the comment he would blackmail Cheryl if he could but he just wouldn't feel so bad about doing it with all the different stuff that happened to Cheryl but Betty just completely ignore that just because she needed her and that was just so so amazing to see and then everything. It was amazing then all the moments with Veronica and her whole family issues was very interesting especially once things kept being revealed here and there and just was amazing to see how everything was done and what all happened and all the different truth that were slowly revealed behind Veronica's back I'm so excited to see what might happen. However, I can't wait to see how Veronica's opinion of both her parents might change once that truth is revealed to her. And like I said I'm just so excited to see what's all going to happen how everything's going to turn out as Veronica keeps finding out what her family is actually up to. And I really kind of want to know what Lodges end game is. Then everything with Archie was really great in this episode with a lot of different stuff that brought up in the last review happening. Which is that he's super tired and super disoriented and because of it. And him finding out about what happened to Grundy was interesting with him trying to make those connections between what happened to his father and what happened to Grundy and him trying to make those connections but him just not being in the right mindset to do it and then him costly hallucinating about the gunman being around. And him actually going to Reggie for some drugs and stuff to try and keep himself awake and I really love the moment when Jughead made the Nightmare on Elm Street 3 reference. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next.

American Horror Story: Cult Episode 7 "Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag" Review

Kai begins to solidify his grasp on power; Bebe Babbitt, the former lover of the first female cult leader Valerie Solanas, who warns Beverley, Ivy, and Winter about Kai.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was so great with the way they decide to do with storyline and I really love what they decide to do with Valerie Solanas and I don't know much about her so I don't know what's true and what isn't and I just really liked this whole thing around the Scumbag manifesto. I was a little confused around the whole Scum murders because I thought Twisty the Clown was the Zodiac killer but I could be wrong because the Freak Show season is the one I'm least familiar with. But even so, the whole episode revolving around Valerie's slow descent into madness was really great with how everything was shown. Then the moments with the girls starting to turn their backs on Kai was really great and with how this episode ended I'm really curious to know what all Kai actually has planned. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and amazing episode and I can't wait to see what they will do next. 

The Flash Season 4 Episode 2 "Mixed Signals" Review

Barry deals with the ramifications of abandoning Iris while facing a meta who can control technology.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had a lot of interesting moments do it. I enjoyed this whole new metahuman especially with all the different stuff that was revealed at the end of this episode which is that this is a metahuman but he wasn't created from the particle accelerator exploding he was actually created some other way that wasn't really describe but it was kind of hinted at that it might be in some connection to The Thinker. Then I really enjoyed the moments with Barry figuring out and being reintroduced to the world around him since he's been gone for 6 months. And I just enjoyed seeing him being so happy that he is back and being so happy that he gets to be The Flash again but then also seen those moments with him and Iris struggling with there relationship and Berry trying to just pick up where they left off but Iris just can't really seem to be there too. And with that I really like the moments of them going to couples therapy and then picking up on these little things that eventually lead them to the problem they were having. Then the moments between Cisco and Gypsy were interesting I'm still not a huge fan of the idea of them being a couple because for some reason my mind I kind of have them fixated as being like the same person but from two different Earths so I just find that weird even though I don't believe it's true but still I just have them like that and I just don't understand their relationship but still in this all the parts about them working on understanding how there relationship works was really great. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch and I can't wait to see where they will go next. 

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 4 "Nuke Kids on the Block" Review

During the decommissioning of an old nuclear missile, the team is exposed to the toxic vapor. Paige doesn't want Happy to tag along with her and Walter.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that wasn't the greatest in staying entertaining but it did have a lot of very fun moments to it. I didn't much care for the whole angry Happy in this that she's mad at Paige because Paige didn't want her to be around her and Walter as much and stuff like that that wasn't the greatest but then later when it was revealed in the episode that Happy's possibly just taking her anger out at Paige because of the fact that she's the one who messed up the nuclear missile and was the one who started releasing the fuel and stuff so Happy's actually mad herself but it's taking out Paige that made a bit more interesting but still just that whole sort of thing that was going on throughout this episode. Then the moments with Sylvester were kind of boring but okay with him trying to focus on stopping this missile from exploding and doing all the different stuff to try and get the city council on his side. And I just don't care for that so I'm really hoping that somewhere down the line he eventually find a way to step away from his councilmen job and just focuses on Scorpion because his whole double life is kind of annoying. Then how the team actually managed to sort of stop the nuclear missile from exploding and stop the whole fuel leak kind of and stuff like that was really interesting with all the different things that they did and all the different problems that they solved and they just happen to be lucky enough that they brought a 3D printer with them to sort of help create a bunch of different things to help with their problems so that was interesting with them first doing all this different stuff to try and stop the fuel leak from causing the missile from collapsing on itself and then eventually when they did have to sort of launch it and then they had to disarm it that was also interesting. And then just overall like I said this was a really interesting an okay episode that wasn't the most entertaining but did have some really entertaining moments in it between the different conversations that everyone had.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 2 "Triggers" Review

A thief with psychic powers attacks National City and proves to be a formidable opponent for Supergirl.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had a really nice story about Supergirl when she feels powerless even though she has all these powers. And I really liked what they did with the ideas of Supergirl having this big fear that she had overcome and as the episode progressed you sort of got to see more detail of what her fear truly is. Where at first it made it sort of seemed like her fear was having to relive her escaping Krypton but then as the episode progressed it was sort of more shown that she's actually afraid of when Mon-El was escaping Earth and the fact that she hasn't heard back from him or anything like that she has this big fear that she might have killed him and that he's dead and stuff so I just really like that they did have that sort of progression of what she was actually afraid of shown as episode progressed. Then I really enjoyed how they did it with because Kara so afraid of all this different stuff she was struggling with all her relationships with a lot of her friends where she doesn't really know how to talk about what's going on to her sister or to J'onn and stuff like that and then it's also affecting her work life because Lena has now fully taking over and she's trying to form a relationship with Kara but Kara is just not all of their because of the fear stuff going on and her stuff with Supergirl that Lena doesn't know about so that was interesting to see how all those connections and stuff sort of fell apart. But then eventually all the things around Reign we're really interesting with her daughter sort of thinking of her as a superhero because of the events that happened in the last episode but she's not believing it quite herself so her daughter was trying to do all the stuff to prove that she is a superhero and I liked the reasons behind all of the different stuff that was really interesting. Then I really liked the ending for Reign where she decided to test out her powers a bit herself to see if they work. And then overall this was a really entertaining and really interesting episode and I'm just very curious to know where they're taking the story because it is still a lot of Kara recovering from the events of the last season finale and then there's a bunch of other little things being thrown in there that I'm just really curious to know where they're going.

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 3 "eXodus" Review

In an attempt to reunite, Reed makes a deal with the Sentinel Services while Caitlin and the kids get help from someone outside the compound.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments and a lot of very nice character development for some of the different characters. I really liked what they did with Reed in this episode with him going through all this different stuff with Sentinel security to try and find a way to get himself inside the Mutant Underground so then the Sentinel security can go in and capture them all. And then watching his development as he realizes himself that these mutants are not enemies they're still humans at the end of the day that still has feelings and there still people so him changing his tone and going on the side of the mutants because his kids and his family has just got to accept that they are mutants. So I kind of can't wait to see what they're going to do with him because they kind of hinted at him going to a high-security prison with another mutant which hopefully is Polaris so then all the different storylines can finally interconnect.  Then the moments with Kate going out and trying to find help for her family away from the underground was interesting with how her brother was very afraid of them at first because of how much his character developed as the episode went on and he remembered that this is his family. Then it was interesting to see how the two kids reacted to what has happened to there home since they left. Everything around Blink was really interesting with her not really knowing how to control her powers and Thunderbird trying to find a way to help her. Then it was interesting to finally see what Dreamer can do because of how her powers work where she can like transfer memories into peoples heads and just have them gain completely fake memories. Then the two name drops in the conversation between Thunderbird and Dreamer makes me really curious to know what happened to the two people Dreamer messed with because I know there is a Walker in the x-men universe where I think he was possessed by a demon or something like that but then I don't remember an Eve so maybe those two people might show up at some time hopefully. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode that was so much fun to watch and I'm curious to see what will happen next. 

The Good Doctor Season 1 Episode 4 "Pipes" Review

Dr. Neil Melendez and the team have to wade through legal waters when a husband and wife have to make a life-changing decision about their unborn child. Meanwhile, Dr. Shaun Murphy struggles to adjust to his new environment at home and makes a huge step forward with his colleagues.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that did have some great moments to it. I enjoyed all the moments with Dr. Melendez they were very interesting with how he approached this surgery that he had to do where the patient is pregnant but then also has a lot of different sort of heart and blood clotting problems. So they have to figure out how to get this tumor off the unborn baby without killing the mother because of the fact that the mother doesn't want to terminate the pregnancy she's tried for so long to be able to become pregnant that she doesn't want to lose his baby. So how he approached doing the surgery and how all that was done was just really interesting to see. And then all the most with Dr. Murphy were very interesting and great with him understanding his life in San Francisco and him struggling with his apartment that isn't in the best condition and him sort of learning more about how to communicate with people and how to approach people, friends, and stuff was interesting to see because he didn't fully understand. Then I liked the moments with the other doctors trying to understand Dr. Murphy more because he's probably not going anywhere so there's more on how to talk to him and how he reacts to stuff and the doctors try and teach him how to become a better doctor and how to approach people more. Then just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode like I said that was so much fun to watch and see what all they did there. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 3 "Machine Learning" Review

After the team puts publicly available crime data into Sophe, the platform exposes a serial killer plaguing Silicon Valley and the Bay Area by connecting previously unrelated murders.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that was great because the whole main case for them was brought up from the computer system and not an actual person. And with that, I really liked how Sophe made all these connections through small similarity between all the cases that a normal person might overlook. I really loved the scene where they are talking to the one women who survived an attack by the serial killer and all the little notes of things that she talks about playing into the solution of who the killer is later on. And the ending was really great for the survivor because she was so afraid to go out running again thinking she might be attacked again, but once she saw the killer was caught she put on her running shoes again and went out. Then the scenes around Tanner looking for Kevin was interesting with more and more clues being relieved around what was actually going on with Mia. And I really loved the scene where Tanner and Kevin finally meet and just sit down and talk about Mia. With all that was relieved around what was actually going on with Mia that she kept hidden from her father I kind of can’t wait to see what other truths might be shown down the line. And just overall this was a really exciting and interesting episode and I can’t wait to see what they are going to do next.   

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Episode 5 "Choose Your Pain" Review

While on a mission, Lorca is captured by the Klingons and unexpectedly finds himself in the company of prisoner of war Starfleet Lieutenant Ash Tyler and notorious criminal Harry Mudd.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had both a really good main story and side story. I really liked Michael tried to do all she could to protect Ripper because she is so sure that the space jumping is hurting the creature. And it was interesting how Michael and some of the other scientist tried to come up with other ways to make that same connection between the spores and the machine without using the creature but the best solution they can find it to use a human instead because they are just similar enough to Ripper. Then the moments with Saru acting as captain and he is trying to find a way to be the best captain possible but he is struggling to seem powerful and unafraid and because of that he really isn't listening to what others are saying. Then the moments with captain Lorca were really great with him figuring out how things among the prisoners work and what the Klingons want with him. I really loved the whole escape scene and how captain Lorca got away and back save aboard the Discovery. And I can't wait to see how Ash will fit in among the rest of the crew, and I can't wait to see how they might eventually bring Harry back into the mix since Lorca turned on him. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode and I'm curious to know what they are going to do next.   

Inhumans Season 1 Episode 4 "Make Way for... Medusa" Review

The search for Black Bolt continues on Earth; Maximus makes bold moves to cement his status as the new ruler of Attilan.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments in it. I really liked the moments with Black Bolt and Dr. Evan Declan and all the experiments that were done on Black Bolt to understand how his powers work and the truth coming out of why Dr. Evan wants Black Bolt. But mostly I really enjoyed the moments when Black Bolt would do all this stuff for Dr. Evan but then constantly remind him that he needs to hold up his end of the deal and help Black Bolt find his wife. Then the moments with Medusa we're really great with her working with this other scientist lady and them being on the run from the cops and just really learning about each other and how things work. Those moments were just really great to sort of understand the character of Medusa more and I really enjoyed when they did make the one joke about her name being related to having a lot of hair and at this moment Medusa doesn't. Then the moments with Gorgon were great with him trying to protect the friends that he's made but them still wanting to stand by his side. The moments with Karnak still aren't my favorite but it was better in this episode because they were mostly about him understanding how things on earth work and him just enjoying being on earth a bit more. Then Maximus's whole plan on wanting to go through terragenesis a second time somewhat of confirms that they are differing from his story where he truly doesn't have any powers and then maybe him going through this process again will give him some which are an interesting deviation from the classic story that I'm kind of okay with if they do do it right. Then the moments with Crystal we're fine with her understanding more of what Earth is like in her gaining some friends and stuff like that. And then just overall this was a really fun and interesting episode and I'm curious to see where they're going to take the story next.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Arrow Season 6 Episode 1 "Fallout" Review

Oliver deals with the fallout of the explosion on the island.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that I'm a little disappointed in how they chose to handle everything around the explosion on the island. Because they made such a big deal about it saying it is a big mystery about who would live and who would die just to then go and have literally everyone survive except of Ben’s mother which yes, of course, she would die because she was really only there to end up dead. But then the thing with Thea was really annoying because I’m pretty sure I stated in my review of the season finale that to kill off Thea would be incredibly stupid after the whole scene where Malcolm sacrificed himself to save Thea and yes she didn't die but essentially compared to everyone else she got hurt the worst. And then Slade going and leaving everybody else behind on the island to protect himself seemed like a complete change in character from how he has grown. And they made such a big deal about needing to get the team to this one dock to be safe and instead most of them just went and hid inside the plane they were right next to. But besides all that disappointing buildup that really lead nowhere, in my opinion, the rest of the episode was really great. With the moments of Black Siren and the team trying to figure out what her plans are and trying to stop them. I didn't much care for the whole thing around Lance feeling bad for shooting Black Siren and him making all these points continuously saying that it is Laurel which I just can't agree with because yes it is a Laurel but this Laurel grew up with a kind of different life so she isn't there Laurel. But I can understand a bit the feeling of guilt he has for shooting her because she does at least look like there Laurel so I can understand a bit of that tug of the heart he feels for shooting her. Then I'm very interested in knowing what is going on with Diggle because in this episode his aim was off and it really kind of seemed like he didn't know if he wanted to be Spartan anymore so I really want to know more about that. And then just overall this was a really great and exciting first episode and I'm very curious to see where they will go from here.             

Gotham Season 4 Episode 4 "The Demon's Head" Review

Bruce puts the lives of a Gotham Natural History Museum historian and his grandson in danger as he attempts to discover the meaning behind his knife from the auction.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that had a lot of really entertaining moments in the episode. I really liked how in the beginning of this episode they had a bunch of hints as to what the grandson would do just put into the conversation between the historian and Bruce. The two guys who were put in charge by Ra's al Ghul to track down the knife were really weird because they really seemed possessed by something and were really hard to understand why they were there besides to add more obstacles for Bruce. Then it was made even more confusing once it was shown where the knife was actually hiding because at some point I thought it was stated that those two weird people had some kind of connection to the knife so why were they following the grandson and Bruce around instead of following the trail right to the knife. I did really like that Gordon was kind of finally introduced to what Bruce and Alfred have been up to. And it was really cool to see Gordon be introduced to Ra's al Ghul and what story Ra's al Ghul made up as to why he needs the knife saying that he was a historian and wanted to bring the old culture back to his country, and everything was going nicely until Alfred came in and ruined everything. Then the moments between Penguin and Sofia were really great and I’m pretty sure it was hinting at future events when Sofia was talking about how her father used to handle business because I think that is what Sofia is going to do with both Penguin and Gordon where she is going to be there best friend until she gains their trust enough that she turns on them. Then the moments between Penguin and Nygma were great with Penguin choosing to leave Nygma to suffer the loss of his mind. And the whole story they seem to be putting out there that there is going to be this whole storyline around Nygma gaining back his abilities to me doesn’t seem like that exciting of a story to watch unless something cool happens. I did really love the conversation between Nygma and Penguin where Penguin kept referring to Nygma and the Riddler as two different people and said the Nygma can never be the Riddler again but the fact that he never called the Riddler by his name but instead kept referring to the Riddler as him was just so great. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode to watch and I’m curious to see where they will go from here.

The Orville Season 1 Episode 6 "Krill" Review

Ed and Gordon are sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate a Krill ship and obtain a copy of their bible.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was a little different because they had no side story in this episode all the focus was on Ed and Gordon. It did feel a little long and boring at some moments because there were no cutaways to other things going on that much. But watch the two of them being disguised as Kill and trying to fit in on board the ship was really fun. Then I really liked how the one Krill who was like the religious leader on board the ship had suspicions about Ed and Gordon right away so it was interesting to see how this one Krill was always right on Ed and Gordon’s tail waiting for them to do something wrong. Then I really loved when they compared the Krill to vampires because of the fact that the Krill’s home planet is in complete darkness so they don’t do well in light and making that comparison to vampires was really great. And I really liked how while on board the ship Ed and Gordon made friends with one Krill who helped give them information on how to be Krill and how things on board the ship work. Then the ending was great where the one Krill that they saved a bunch of children Krill made the comment the children who they saved will never see them as heroes but instead will forever see them as monsters because of all the people they killed. Then just overall this was really entertaining and fun episode to watch.

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 1 "A Kiss Before Dying" Review

Fred's life hangs in the balance following the shooting; Veronica's father arrives into town; Jughead and Betty question the gunman's true motives.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that did a great job of showing how all the main characters dealt with the event in the last episode. Archie was really interesting in this episode because to watch how damaged and wrecked he is and how everyone was there for him but the most important one being Veronica not really knowing how to help him because she is not the comforting kind of person. Then the ending of this episode for Archie was also interesting with doing everything he could think of to try and protect his father from the gunman's possible return, which I think is going to be a plot point in future episodes which is Archie being so tired from staying up all night looking after his father and things get a little weird because he is so tired. Then the moments with Betty and Jughead were really great with them investigating more into what actually happened at the dinner and them discovery that is wasn’t a robbery because the gunman didn’t take any money. Then the relationship now between Betty and Jughead is really interesting with Betty worrying that Jughead is going to become a Southside Serpents. Then Jughead working with the Serpents is really interesting with him sort of toeing the line between being a member and not and I’m curious to see how long he can hold that balancing act up. Then the moments with Cheryl were really great with her threatening her mother to keep what actually happened at the mansion fire a secret otherwise bad things will happen. The moments with Fred were really great with all the different dream sequences he went through that showed all the things he would miss if he died right here, and it was really sweet because all of it involved Archie. Then the ending was amazing with Miss Grundy showing up again and getting killed by what looked like the same gunman who shot Fred and I'm very curious to see when her murder will get connected back to Riverdale and how Archie will take her death.  And just overall this was a really entertaining and great first episode and I so excited to see where they will go from here.        

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Flash Season 4 Episode 1 "The Flash Reborn" Review

Barry is brought out of the Speed Force to help fight an armored villain, but he isn't the same person.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was a great reintroduction of where they left off last season. I really loved the beginning part of this episode where it shows what all Team Flash is up to since Barry disappeared and how bad they all feel carrying on without him. It was a little weird to see how angry Iris got whenever someone talked to her about how she was feeling and asked why she was being so bossy, but once it was revealed that she was being angry at them because she was working so hard to keep everyone together for Barry. Then how they got Barry back was really interesting with them creating this cube that has some of Barry's DNA in it so that they could try and trick the speed force. It was a really interesting idea but I don't think it will last so I'm curious to see what will happen when the speed force does come back to bite them. I really like Catlin being back as a member of the team and I'm excited for more of her story because they seem to be doing a Jackyll and Hyde kind of thing between her and Killer Frost. I am a little disappointed that Julian isn't around because he was a really great addition to the team but I can kind of understand it because if they have Catlin they don't necessarily need him. I wished they would have explained more how Barry got out of his crazy incoherent state because one moment he was just mindlessly writing and the next he was fine so what happened there. Then I really hope all the weird writing that Barry did come back to help them in some way because otherwise showing all that work would kind of be a waste. Then the parts with the Samuroid was really interesting with everything they did and how they tried to trick it, and then the ending was a great introduction to The Thinker. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode and I'm really excited to see what they will do next.   

Sunday, October 15, 2017

American Horror Story Cult Episode 6 "Mid-Western Assassin" Review

Ally takes Meadow to Dr. Rudy to confirm her story about the cult; An unexpected opponent runs against Kai in the city council election.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that was really enjoyable to watch and see how everything turned out. It was really interesting to see how everything was re-edited because this was the episode that was going to have a shooting scene be readjusted to pay respect to those affected by the shooting that took place in Las Vegas. And you could see that re-editing at some points where they would randomly cut away to the American flag and stuff so it was interesting to see all that done. Then I really liked the team up between Ally and Meadow and having Meadow explain more about the backstory of the cult. Which Meadow's reason for joining the cult was really great with her looking for someone to truly love her and Kai gave that love to her. Then I really loved who Ally chose who to alley with when it came to stopping the cult because she knew she couldn't go to the police and so she had to make friends elsewhere. Then the whole twist at the end of who the shooter actually was and what Meadow all had planned for Ally was just really great. And I really loved the somewhat of ending statement which was no one will believe the truth coming out of a crazy person mouth. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode and I'm so excited to see what will happen next.   

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 3 "Grow a Deer, A Female Deer" Review

The team tries to save an endangered, pregnant deer that was shot by poachers. Happy and Toby discuss the future of their family.

This was a really great and interesting episode that was nice because it did something that no other episode really has done in its events and how everything turned out. And I really enjoyed the storyline around them saving this deer and creating this fake womb to protect the still-developing fetus. I did not however like the moment with Paige telling Walter that he had to do this or he would never have sex with her again I just hated that moment because Paige is so much better than that to use sex as a weapon. And then it didn't make it any better when they came back to it at the end of the episode with her making the comment of "I hope you didn't do this just because you want to have sex with me." The moments with Sylvester was really great but also really kind of weird because he seems so much like season 1 version of him more then the current version because he was so freaked out about the animal and germs and stuff and yes it's still a part of him but I thought he got past it more than  apparently he did, but it was still nice to see him developing to be more okay with animals by the end of this episode. Then I really enjoyed the one moment with Cabe in this episode where he's in the garage helping Ralph and then the girl whose interning under Sylvester walks in and starts making cookies, and then Cabe's lawyer shows up to start asking him some questions, then Cabe's girlfriend shows up and starts yelling at him and he just has no idea what's going on and that was just a really really fun scene. And then I really like the moment where Ralph finally hacks into the whole phone database that the poachers are using and starts calling all them so they can easily tell who is a poacher and who isn't that was just a really great moment for what all that revealed. I thought it was really interesting how all the problems that the team ran in to at some point they kind of created like Ralph calling all the poachers ended up leading them to all gather up and block the road that the team was traveling on or Sylvester turning a gas can in to a bomb ended up leading to the car running out of gas later it was just really interesting how they kind of created their own problems. And then overall this was a really great and really interesting episode that I liked because they did something that wasn't needing their tech skills to help them as much it was them just trying to survive.

The Good Doctor Season 1 Episode 3 "Oliver" Review

Dr. Melendez and Dr. Unger discover their patient isn't being completely honest with them; Dr. Browne must learn to communicate with Dr. Murphy as they race back to the hospital with a donated organ.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments in it. I really enjoyed all the moments between Dr. Brown and Dr. Murphy where they are transporting the organ and Dr. Murphy thinks that something is wrong with it but he just can't quite figure out what it is. That was just really interesting to see him constantly checking over things trying to figure out what he isn't seeing and then once he finally discovered the problem the whole scene with them stopping in the middle of the road to fix it was really great. And then I just really enjoyed the moments with Dr. Brown trying to figure out a way to talk to Dr. Murphy and her discovering that the best way to talk to him is to not ask him questions because he hates questions. So that was just really entertaining to watch her try and phrase things to not be questions. And then I really loved the moments with Dr. Melendez and him questioning the ideas of why hospitals have these rules and regulations when sometimes they might need to be broken in order to save someone's life and him asking the board to give him the one opportunity to do so. Then the moments with Dr. Andrews was great with him figuring out if he wanted to be a presidential sergeant or great sergeant and him just understanding that sometimes there is a difference and just all those moments with him were really great. And just overall this was a really interesting episode that made me actually excited for the show again because there were so many great moments to it.

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 2 "rX" Review

Caitlin and Eclipse try to help Blink when her powers exceed their limits.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. I did like all the moments with Reed and him being interrogated by The Sentinel security and then I'm trying to threaten him or come up with some sort of case against him so that he had to tell them what he knew. And it was really interesting to see how Reed sort of kept calm and kept talking around every single threat that they gave him. The ending was interesting but I don't think it's going to work out the way that he wants it too because at the end of the day his kids are still mutants so they will eventually catch these kids for something some way or another so his deal to give up the mutant underground for his kids safety probably won't work out the way he wants. And I am very curious to see what's going to happen once he does eventually give up the mutant underground if he is or if he's going to lie or anything there I'm very curious to see. And then everything around Kate was really interesting even though she's still probably my least favorite character because she's still so panicky and freaked out about everything. But this episode was really nice to sort of developer her more for me to actually care about her because in this episode she sort of learned more and more what life is like being a mutant and how she is very special because she chose to stand by her children even after she found out that they were mutants which is not a common thing. So it was nice to see a bit of development of her especially near the end of this episode where she ran in and became the hero. I am very curious to know what the connection is between Blink in the road that one of her portals kept leading to whenever she'd had a seizure because when Thunderbird ask her she kind of seemed to try and avoid the question so I'm curious to know what the truth is about that. And then all the moments with Polaris where interesting to see her sort of developing to life in prison but also still sticking up for herself and try and understand what she can and can't do because of the shock collar on her neck. And then I really really love this scene where she's in the shower and you finally see like all the black hair dye fade away to show her classic green hair. I was originally fine with what they did do with the green detail in her black hair but the fact that they dedicated a scene showing the classic hair and having that be her baseline hair now I'm really happy about that. And just overall this was a really interesting and really entertaining episode and I'm very curious to see where they'll go next.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 1 "Girl of Steel" Review

Kara deals with the loss on Mon-El by focusing her energy on being Supergirl and concentrating on a mysterious new threat; Alex confesses a secret to Maggie; a citizen of National City has a mysterious connection to Kara; Lena makes a bold move.

This was a really entertaining and great first episode that did have a really interesting storyline around recovery. I was a little worried when it kept being put out there that this was going to be a lot darker Supergirl which is something I don’t care much for, but luckily by the end of this episode it did show some signs of Kara recovering and becoming like herself again but with a little damage remaining around the edges. I loved how each of Kara’s friends approached talking to her in different ways where James was harsh love, Alex was looking for any start to a conversation, and J'onn tried relating to her through there share histories of pain, it was just all really interesting to see Kara’s reaction to each attempt to get through to her. Then the storyline around Lena and Morgan Edge was really interesting to watch how everything played out and I’m curious to know if there is some kind of history between Edge and the Luthors because he seemed really keen on showing the public who Lena really is. Then the moments between Alex and Maggie were okay with them discussing their upcoming wedding and I liked that they did go back to that moment of J'onn being like a father to Alex by asking J’onn to give her away. Then everything with Regin was interesting with them mostly just introducing her and having her discover some of her powers, and I want to know if because her pod was discovered in the rubble of the explosion is there going to be some kind of memory thing that causes her to figure out who she really is. I’m a little disappointed that there was nothing of Mon-El and what happened in this episode because I really want to know where he went when he went through the portal. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining first episode for the season and I can’t wait to see where they will go from here.  

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 2 "In the Wild" Review

A user of the crowdsourcing platform uploads new footage of Jeffrey Tanner's daughter being strong-armed by an unknown man five months prior to her murder; Tanner enlists Sophe to help with Cavanaugh's case of a missing teenager.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode to watch and see how everything played out. I really liked all the moments around hunting for this missing kid and just the whole storyline around what was actually going on was really great with all the secrets that were slowly revealed throughout the episode. It was also really interesting how again they had a citizen going in and investigating a part of the crime themselves, I do wish they would have gone into a bit more detail on that person to help explain why he is doing what he is because was helped like one of the kids favorite teacher or what was going on there that he was so determined to find the kid. Then I really liked how they used Sophe to help narrow down the search location for the kid by asking a bunch of hikers and campers if they were in the kid's situation which direction would they most likely take. I was a little disappointed that they never showed the kid getting any repercussions for the bad and illegal things he did they kind of chose to end this episode on a happy note which to me is not all that right because yes it is nice that he is back alive but he did a lot of really bad things. Then the new evidence for Mia's death was interesting with how they made all these connections to the man leaving Mia's apartment the night she died. But the main part I loved out of all that was Mia's mother's conversation with a journalist where she was suppose to renounce all of Jeffrey's action but instead she said that she doesn't know how she feels and that once she does know she will let the press know. That was just a really great moment and I like the character even more because of that. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and I can't wait to see what they will do next.  

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Episode 4 "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" Review

With tensions and stakes high as Starfleet continues in their efforts to end the war with Klingons, Burnham begins to settle into her new position aboard the U.S.S. Discovery.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that was really interesting to see how everything played out. I enjoyed watching Michael finding her place aboard the Discovery and figuring out her new work position which was to find out more information on the creature that attacked her in the last episode and turn it into a weapon. And I really loved when the truth came out about the creature that she refers to as Ripper and how it is connected to the warp system by it essentially being the navigator. I really hope that in the episodes to come Michael will come up with some kind of device to help the creature to navigate without it causing so much pain, or somehow gain the creature's trust enough that the creature will navigate without needing to be hooked up. Then all the moments with the Klingons were interesting with there continued war between one another about which families should rule in this war environment and which should go away. And I really enjoyed the ending of this episode for the Klingons where one was left behind and he has become determined to get his revenge and prove himself to the rest of the Klingons and win this war for himself. Then the ending where Michael opens the gift from her old captain was really great and I can't wait to see her used the telescope in some way. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next.   

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Inhumans Season 1 Episode 3 "Divide and Conquer" Review

The Inhumans desperately search for each other in the wake of Maximus' coup; they must learn who they can trust on Earth.

This was an interesting and entertaining episode that wasn't the best because it was very similar to the last episode, but this episode did have some really great and highlight moments. And I really enjoyed all the moments with Black Bolt in prison and watching him gain a friend who is also inhuman. And also having this scientist who is also coming for him which I want to know what that is all about because I want to know if the scientist actually knows who he is or if he wants to just research Black Bolt or turn him into a weapon. Then everything around Medusa wasn't the best because it was very reminiscent of Black Bolt from the last episode where she is just doing whatever she wants without really thinking about the consequences. I am really happy that the one scientist lady who is looking into what was going on with the moon finally has made a connection to the rest of the group by the end of this episode with her now being partnered up with Medusa as they continue to try and follow Black Bolt. Then everything with Gorgon was really fun with him finally getting his moment to fight and it was really cool to see some of the inhumans that were brought down to fight him and the main one that they showed off being someone who can move plants around which is very helpful when you're in the jungles of Hawaii. Then the moments with Karnak where not the best and seemed kind of pointless with him giving up on his mission to protect his king because he thinks of himself as broken. Then the moments with Maximus and Crystal were very similar to the last episode where it is Maximus trying to convince Crystal to join his side. I am really happy that Crystal finally managed to get away and is now on earth and I can't wait to see what might happen to her next. Then I really enjoyed the flashback moments in this episode even though they were very similar to the last episode with them showing Black Bolt gaining his abilities and struggling with how he can be king and have these abilities, and Maximus being very present in the background and being very jealous of his brother. I very curious to know if the reason Black Bolt was locked up in that one room where he and Madusa first met because he killed his parents with his voice or was it something else that came later. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and see everything play out.  

Inhumans Season 1 Episode 2 "Those Who Would Destroy Us" Review

The Royal Family is separated and scattered in Hawaii, hunted by the royal guard. Black Bolt is arrested while his brother takes over as King.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that did a good job of picking up where the last episode left off and really showed how each of the royal family deals with their situation. The moments with Medusa were really interesting with her trying to find Black Bolt and the loved the moment between the two of them where Medusa asks him for any kind of sign to let her know he's okay and he just has her listen to his heartbeat, to me that was just a perfect moment for the two of them. Then I really enjoyed all the moments with Gorgon and him deciding that he is not just going to sit around and wait and see what will happen to him instead he is going to stand his ground and fight whoever comes for him. And him making friends with these random beachgoers was really fun to see. Then all the moments with Karnak were really interesting with him struggling through the jungle trying to find Black Bolt but he has a really bad concussion that is messing with his skills. And I'm really curious to know if they gave Inhuman abilities to Karnak because in the comics he refused to gain powers and instead he trained himself in these skills, but in this show, it really seems like there push more than his tactical foresight is a special ability and not a skill. And then with that I'm very curious as to what they are doing with Maximus because they really seem to be pushing on the idea that he is just a human and that the Mist turned him human, while in the comics everyone believed that until he took over and started showing his powers so I want to know if they are going to stick with the human side of him or when are they going to show his powers. Then all the moments with Crystal where alright with Maximus trying to get her to tell the public that he is king now. Then I liked the moment with Maximus going into the mines and trying to get the lower classes on his side. Then the moments with Black Bolt were really fun and really interesting with him just not understanding how he should behave on Earth and it causing a lot of trouble for him. It was a little annoying how when Black Bolt does get arrested how they keep trying to push him to talk and then when his started signing to him they just seem to ignore that and think that he is a jerk for not talking but at least he is working with them. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode and I'm really curious to see what will happen next.   

The Orville Season 1 Episode 5 "Pria" Review

Ed becomes smitten with the captain of a stranded ship, but Kelly suspects all is not what it seems.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that got a little confusing and hard to follow but still, it was interesting to see how everything turned out. I really liked what they did with the character of Pria she was really interesting to see how her whole story played out and how she was portrayed and what they had her do was just all really interesting. Then the truth about Pria was a weird twist of events and the whole idea of time travel and changing history was a little weird and hard to follow in my opinion. Because they talked about how if Pira wasn't there to help them everyone on the Orville would have died and because on history they can't go around being alive. Which is odd to me because once Pria did save the Orville all of that original timeline kind of got thrown out the window so it shouldn't have mattered as much as they put it out there as mattering. I did like the moments with Kelly in this episode with her realizing that something is not right with Pira so she is kind of trying to figure out if what she is doing is because she wants to protect the ship or out of jealousy for Ed affection towards Pria. And I loved the moment once everything was settled where Ed and Kelly had a conversation and decided that from now on they would trust each other for the safety of the ship and not let there past history get in the way as much. Then the moments between Isaac and Gordon were fun with Gordon trying to teach Isaac about humor and he tries to show Isaac about pranks and when Isaac tries to get back at him things don't go as planned and all that was just really funny. Then how the team actually got the ship back from Pria was really fun with how they communicated with each other without Pria catching on. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next.  

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Gotham Season 4 Episode 3 "They Who Hide Behind Masks" Review

Gordon travels to Miami hoping to convince Carmine Falcone to help him fight the Penguin, only to have his daughter follow him back to Gotham.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that did have some really great moments to it. I was a little disappointed that this episode had nothing to do with Scarecrow because he was the main part of this beginning half of this season that I'm looking forward to. There was a lot of focus on Bruce in this episode which was alright because there were some okay moments. I did like how all of this episode was very Bruce's focus and how it all tied back to Ra's al Ghul with one of the main things being around Bruce needing to obtain a knife that Ra's al Ghul also wants. I especially enjoyed those moments because it also hinted that maybe Barbra's mysterious benefactor is Ra's al Ghul because she is also on a quest to obtain this knife. And I really want to know what this knife does because when Barbra is confronted by a league member they seem really happy that Bruce has the knife. And I want to know if Barbra was resurrected in the Lazarus pit and fit she has trained with Ra's al Ghul and has some of his fight skills. Then all the moments with Gordon in Miami was really interesting especially in the moments with Sofia and she seems like such an interesting character that I really excited to see what she is going to do in Gotham. And I really don't believe what Sofia was saying where she forgave Gordon for killing her brother I think she will work with him for a time but eventually, she will get her revenge. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and see how everything turned out.