Friday, October 13, 2017

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 2 "In the Wild" Review

A user of the crowdsourcing platform uploads new footage of Jeffrey Tanner's daughter being strong-armed by an unknown man five months prior to her murder; Tanner enlists Sophe to help with Cavanaugh's case of a missing teenager.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode to watch and see how everything played out. I really liked all the moments around hunting for this missing kid and just the whole storyline around what was actually going on was really great with all the secrets that were slowly revealed throughout the episode. It was also really interesting how again they had a citizen going in and investigating a part of the crime themselves, I do wish they would have gone into a bit more detail on that person to help explain why he is doing what he is because was helped like one of the kids favorite teacher or what was going on there that he was so determined to find the kid. Then I really liked how they used Sophe to help narrow down the search location for the kid by asking a bunch of hikers and campers if they were in the kid's situation which direction would they most likely take. I was a little disappointed that they never showed the kid getting any repercussions for the bad and illegal things he did they kind of chose to end this episode on a happy note which to me is not all that right because yes it is nice that he is back alive but he did a lot of really bad things. Then the new evidence for Mia's death was interesting with how they made all these connections to the man leaving Mia's apartment the night she died. But the main part I loved out of all that was Mia's mother's conversation with a journalist where she was suppose to renounce all of Jeffrey's action but instead she said that she doesn't know how she feels and that once she does know she will let the press know. That was just a really great moment and I like the character even more because of that. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and I can't wait to see what they will do next.  

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