Sunday, October 29, 2017

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 5 "Sci Hard" Review

While attending a tech convention, Team Scorpion is taken hostage by a group attempting a virtual heist.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that was kind of nice because it was a very different story than something that they've done before with how the group was all broken up and how they solve the problems that they faced. And I really kind of like the moments with Walter and Paige in this episode and them being part of the group that was captured and are being held hostage and they sort of have to talk to the gunman to try and figure out what they want and how to get them what they want and do it without causing any death. And it was especially interesting with what the gunman wanted which was access to this bank that one of their sort of friends that they have pop up like once a season and the big problem that occurs is that this bank doesn't actually exist because the tech genius hadn't finished it yet. So the team had to come up with a different way to try and convince the gunman that they've gotten their money without actually having any money to give. Then the moments with Happy and Toby were fun with them being the two people outside of the arena and them having to deal with the police questioning what their motives are and all that stuff, and the best moments were when they had to go and actually rob a bank so then they had money to give the gunman. Then the moments with Cabe in this episode were really fun with him being the one person inside the building who wasn't taken hostage so he has to be there to sort of help Walter and Paige out and also dealing with all the gunman that stumble upon him. Then Sylvester was fun in his moments where he's trying to take his bar exam but also trying to help team Scorpion and he has to find a way to do both and the prospector who was watching over everything he's doing was just a fun little addition to everything. And I'm really curious to know if Sylvester actually passed the test by just getting the 80 questions that he did do done correctly or if the Prospectors just passed him because they knew that he needed to pass. And then just overall this was a really fun and interesting episode to watch.

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