Thursday, October 19, 2017

Arrow Season 6 Episode 1 "Fallout" Review

Oliver deals with the fallout of the explosion on the island.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that I'm a little disappointed in how they chose to handle everything around the explosion on the island. Because they made such a big deal about it saying it is a big mystery about who would live and who would die just to then go and have literally everyone survive except of Ben’s mother which yes, of course, she would die because she was really only there to end up dead. But then the thing with Thea was really annoying because I’m pretty sure I stated in my review of the season finale that to kill off Thea would be incredibly stupid after the whole scene where Malcolm sacrificed himself to save Thea and yes she didn't die but essentially compared to everyone else she got hurt the worst. And then Slade going and leaving everybody else behind on the island to protect himself seemed like a complete change in character from how he has grown. And they made such a big deal about needing to get the team to this one dock to be safe and instead most of them just went and hid inside the plane they were right next to. But besides all that disappointing buildup that really lead nowhere, in my opinion, the rest of the episode was really great. With the moments of Black Siren and the team trying to figure out what her plans are and trying to stop them. I didn't much care for the whole thing around Lance feeling bad for shooting Black Siren and him making all these points continuously saying that it is Laurel which I just can't agree with because yes it is a Laurel but this Laurel grew up with a kind of different life so she isn't there Laurel. But I can understand a bit the feeling of guilt he has for shooting her because she does at least look like there Laurel so I can understand a bit of that tug of the heart he feels for shooting her. Then I'm very interested in knowing what is going on with Diggle because in this episode his aim was off and it really kind of seemed like he didn't know if he wanted to be Spartan anymore so I really want to know more about that. And then just overall this was a really great and exciting first episode and I'm very curious to see where they will go from here.             

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