Sunday, October 15, 2017

American Horror Story Cult Episode 6 "Mid-Western Assassin" Review

Ally takes Meadow to Dr. Rudy to confirm her story about the cult; An unexpected opponent runs against Kai in the city council election.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that was really enjoyable to watch and see how everything turned out. It was really interesting to see how everything was re-edited because this was the episode that was going to have a shooting scene be readjusted to pay respect to those affected by the shooting that took place in Las Vegas. And you could see that re-editing at some points where they would randomly cut away to the American flag and stuff so it was interesting to see all that done. Then I really liked the team up between Ally and Meadow and having Meadow explain more about the backstory of the cult. Which Meadow's reason for joining the cult was really great with her looking for someone to truly love her and Kai gave that love to her. Then I really loved who Ally chose who to alley with when it came to stopping the cult because she knew she couldn't go to the police and so she had to make friends elsewhere. Then the whole twist at the end of who the shooter actually was and what Meadow all had planned for Ally was just really great. And I really loved the somewhat of ending statement which was no one will believe the truth coming out of a crazy person mouth. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode and I'm so excited to see what will happen next.   

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