Thursday, October 19, 2017

Gotham Season 4 Episode 4 "The Demon's Head" Review

Bruce puts the lives of a Gotham Natural History Museum historian and his grandson in danger as he attempts to discover the meaning behind his knife from the auction.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that had a lot of really entertaining moments in the episode. I really liked how in the beginning of this episode they had a bunch of hints as to what the grandson would do just put into the conversation between the historian and Bruce. The two guys who were put in charge by Ra's al Ghul to track down the knife were really weird because they really seemed possessed by something and were really hard to understand why they were there besides to add more obstacles for Bruce. Then it was made even more confusing once it was shown where the knife was actually hiding because at some point I thought it was stated that those two weird people had some kind of connection to the knife so why were they following the grandson and Bruce around instead of following the trail right to the knife. I did really like that Gordon was kind of finally introduced to what Bruce and Alfred have been up to. And it was really cool to see Gordon be introduced to Ra's al Ghul and what story Ra's al Ghul made up as to why he needs the knife saying that he was a historian and wanted to bring the old culture back to his country, and everything was going nicely until Alfred came in and ruined everything. Then the moments between Penguin and Sofia were really great and I’m pretty sure it was hinting at future events when Sofia was talking about how her father used to handle business because I think that is what Sofia is going to do with both Penguin and Gordon where she is going to be there best friend until she gains their trust enough that she turns on them. Then the moments between Penguin and Nygma were great with Penguin choosing to leave Nygma to suffer the loss of his mind. And the whole story they seem to be putting out there that there is going to be this whole storyline around Nygma gaining back his abilities to me doesn’t seem like that exciting of a story to watch unless something cool happens. I did really love the conversation between Nygma and Penguin where Penguin kept referring to Nygma and the Riddler as two different people and said the Nygma can never be the Riddler again but the fact that he never called the Riddler by his name but instead kept referring to the Riddler as him was just so great. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode to watch and I’m curious to see where they will go from here.

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