Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 4 "eXit strategy" Review

The mutants devise a plan to take down Sentinel Services; Eclipse looks to an old friend to obtain information; Lauren and Andy attempt to combine their powers to help the group.

It was a really great and entertaining episode that was so much fun to see how everything turned out and how they fix all the problems that they faced. And I really like the moments between Lauren and Andy in this episode and them figuring out a way to combine their powers to make them into a stronger force where Andy's powers are used for its destructive ability and then Lauren's powers are there to sort of guide Andy's. I just really like that because as I've said before their powers are really interesting because they're so similar but also really different. Then the whole plan to actually try and stop the Sentinel security trucks bringing Reed and Polaris to there high-security prison was really interesting to see all the different problems that they faced when their plans to go quite right. And I really loved the introduction of this other mutant who is a friend of Thunderbird and this other mutants ability is to sort of stop other mutants from using their abilities so that was interesting how Sentinel security was using mutants to sort of helping them. And then just the whole action sequence of everyone trying to get in and stop the Sentinel security was just so interesting and fun to see how every single one of the main characters played into it. Then the moments between Polaris and Reed in this episode were really interesting with how they started out not wanting to work with each other because Polaris sees Reed as the enemy but then when it came down to it they learn to work together and I'm just really interested to see how that might work in Reed's favor in the future. And then just overall this was a really amazing and entertaining episode watch and see and I'm really excited to see where the story go now that everyone's back together.

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