Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Orville Season 1 Episode 4 "If the Stars Should Appear" Review

The crew encounters a vessel adrift in space that's about to collide with a star.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that took the ideas of a first encounter situation and did it in their own ways. It was really cool because the characters had to go out on board this ship and talk to a bunch of people who don’t realize they're on a ship and that there is a whole universe outside of the little home that they know. It was really interesting how they chose to approach the situation, in my opinion, they could have done it a bit better because all they did was show up and be like “hi, you're on a spaceship.” So it could have gone better to where they learned about the people more and talked to them in ways they understood. Then the scene with Alara and Kelly were interesting because they go a very different kind of welcome compared to the rest of the group, where Alara got shot and Kelly got kidnapped and tortured because the townspeople didn’t understand who they were. Then it was really weird how it was addressed at the very end that oh hey these people on this ship have never seen night or the stars. I feel it would have worked a lot better if they would have addressed that night never came earlier in the episode and then at the end have Mercer be like let's show them a little night or something like that. Then I loved how they randomly had Liam Neeson show up as the captain of the ship and because of time he has changed to become this god-like man among his people. Then the other part that kind of bugged me was the beginning of this episode with Bortus and Klyden where it showed off that they are having some marital issues and then it was never addressed again throughout the whole episode. Yes, I know it will be addressed in later episodes but still, it felt weird to be included in this episode. But overall this was a really great and entertaining episode that had a nice storyline to it. 

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