Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot" Review

A tech innovator creates a cutting-edge crowd-sourcing hub to solve his own daughter's murder, as well as revolutionizing crime solving in San Francisco.

This was a really great episode that wasn't the best that it could have been because you could go and watch the trailer for this series and end up getting this whole first episode out of it. But watching the little extra parts that weren't in the trailer were really great because it helped to get to know a lot of the main characters more. I'm very curious to see what they are going to do with the program of Sophie because I feel like the continuing theme through the season will be finding the daughters killer while also having moments in between of other crimes to solve to help improve Sophie's programming. In this episode, the extra case was interesting with how it did connect back to Mia's death but mostly the story was about these girls getting heavily drugged and then abused. And solving that whole case was interesting with how quickly everything seemed to be gathered and they tracked down the right guys. I did really like that they did devote time to the discussion about deciding whether evidence is gathered in the correct ways so that it can actually be used in court. Because if evidence is gathered in a way that is also illegal it can't be used, so the whole Sophie team had to figure out where that line is. The tech billionaire guy was probably my least favorite of all the characters because everyone else seemed really entertaining and interesting and he wasn't, he did have his moments where he did learn to adjust to what everyone else was doing. But everyone else developed as a character in this episode except for him it seemed like. I really enjoyed what they did do with the scene where Sophie got hacked and they instantly come face to face with the hacker and instead of getting rid of him the gave him a job, that was just really fun in my mind. Overall there wasn't a lot to this episode because it was mostly just introducing characters but still it was a great and really entertaining episode.   

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