Monday, October 23, 2017

Gotham Season 4 Episode 5 "The Blade's Path" Review

Nygma uses Butch to regain power and identity; Sofia Falcone appeals to Penguin's vulnerable side; Bruce makes bold moves with the dagger in his possession.

This was a really interesting and great episode that left a lot of doors open for where they could take the story. Everything around Bruce this episode was really interesting with him going up against Ra's al Ghul and he sort of figures out more what his possible destiny is and what Ra's al Ghul wants from him. And with how this episode ended I'm very curious to know what they're going to do with the story because they seem to be putting such an emphasis on Ra's al Ghul being around that it would be interesting to see what they're going to do now because they essentially killed him off so he's not there to train Bruce like in the classic sense so maybe he needed Bruce to kill him to like gain more power or something and eventually he'll come back and a reincarnated form or something because it seems so weird for them to just introduce him and then kill him off few episodes later. But then everything Penguin and Sophia were really great with Sophia doing everything I thought she would do and trying to gain Penguins trust and have him on her side too then eventually turn on him and that I'm really excited to see. And then everything with Nygma in this episode was really interesting with how they chose to bring back Butch and have him be Solomon Grundy which is a Gotham character I'm not that familiar with so I'm very interested to see what they're going to do with that storyline and it definitely is a storyline that I'm much more interested in seeing if that's going to be the redemption storyline that seems to be that I'm kind of okay with it. So overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I'm really excited to see where they're going to take the storyline next.

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