Sunday, October 22, 2017

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 2 "Triggers" Review

A thief with psychic powers attacks National City and proves to be a formidable opponent for Supergirl.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had a really nice story about Supergirl when she feels powerless even though she has all these powers. And I really liked what they did with the ideas of Supergirl having this big fear that she had overcome and as the episode progressed you sort of got to see more detail of what her fear truly is. Where at first it made it sort of seemed like her fear was having to relive her escaping Krypton but then as the episode progressed it was sort of more shown that she's actually afraid of when Mon-El was escaping Earth and the fact that she hasn't heard back from him or anything like that she has this big fear that she might have killed him and that he's dead and stuff so I just really like that they did have that sort of progression of what she was actually afraid of shown as episode progressed. Then I really enjoyed how they did it with because Kara so afraid of all this different stuff she was struggling with all her relationships with a lot of her friends where she doesn't really know how to talk about what's going on to her sister or to J'onn and stuff like that and then it's also affecting her work life because Lena has now fully taking over and she's trying to form a relationship with Kara but Kara is just not all of their because of the fear stuff going on and her stuff with Supergirl that Lena doesn't know about so that was interesting to see how all those connections and stuff sort of fell apart. But then eventually all the things around Reign we're really interesting with her daughter sort of thinking of her as a superhero because of the events that happened in the last episode but she's not believing it quite herself so her daughter was trying to do all the stuff to prove that she is a superhero and I liked the reasons behind all of the different stuff that was really interesting. Then I really liked the ending for Reign where she decided to test out her powers a bit herself to see if they work. And then overall this was a really entertaining and really interesting episode and I'm just very curious to know where they're taking the story because it is still a lot of Kara recovering from the events of the last season finale and then there's a bunch of other little things being thrown in there that I'm just really curious to know where they're going.

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