Thursday, October 12, 2017

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Episode 4 "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" Review

With tensions and stakes high as Starfleet continues in their efforts to end the war with Klingons, Burnham begins to settle into her new position aboard the U.S.S. Discovery.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that was really interesting to see how everything played out. I enjoyed watching Michael finding her place aboard the Discovery and figuring out her new work position which was to find out more information on the creature that attacked her in the last episode and turn it into a weapon. And I really loved when the truth came out about the creature that she refers to as Ripper and how it is connected to the warp system by it essentially being the navigator. I really hope that in the episodes to come Michael will come up with some kind of device to help the creature to navigate without it causing so much pain, or somehow gain the creature's trust enough that the creature will navigate without needing to be hooked up. Then all the moments with the Klingons were interesting with there continued war between one another about which families should rule in this war environment and which should go away. And I really enjoyed the ending of this episode for the Klingons where one was left behind and he has become determined to get his revenge and prove himself to the rest of the Klingons and win this war for himself. Then the ending where Michael opens the gift from her old captain was really great and I can't wait to see her used the telescope in some way. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next.   

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