Sunday, October 29, 2017

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 3 "Far from the Tree" Review

Maggie reaches out to her estranged father when Eliza throws her and Alex a wedding shower, while Supergirl joins J'onn on a personal mission.

This was a really entertaining and interesting and exciting episode watch and see how everything turned out. I really kind of like that all of this episode revolved on Dad's and father figures and how all that interconnected and worked in this episode. I really enjoyed the moments with Maggie trying to connect with her father and trying to figure out what went wrong in the relationship and trying to establish a relationship again and just I really enjoyed how all that turned out and especially the whole speech that she gave her father at the very end of their scenes together where she talked about how she was originally like a scared girl trying to get your approval and stuff like that but she's learned to grow past that and she's her own woman now and all the stuff her father didn't want her to be and she accepts that as herself. And stuff like that was just really interesting to hear come out of her mouth but then I also like those little moments with her father trying to get along with her and trying to understand her and that was just really great and interesting to see. Then all the moments with J'onn trying to help out M'gann back on Mars and figure out what she's all been up to and stuff like that was really interesting with what it reveal to J'onn about the fact that his father didn't die in the camps and stuff he's still alive and that thought this a rouge group of white Martians that are working with M'gann is actually trying to stop the big final test that the white Martians are doing and stuff like that but they need J'onn's father's help to be able to find the staff and how it worked out and all that was really interesting. And I just really enjoy those moments in the beginning where J'onn's father doesn't believe that he is his son he believes that it's a white martian playing trick on him and how it eventually was revealed J'onn is his son was really interesting. And it was really interesting how Supergirl was kind of a supportive character in this episode even though I'm mostly here to watch Supergirl it was interesting to see her step down and give someone else center stage. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next. 

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