Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Inhumans Season 1 Episode 1 "Behold... The Inhumans" Review

Tensions arise between the members of the Attillan royal family.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that I knew going int this episode there wasn't going to be a lot to it because the Inhumans are a very complicated storyline to understand, so I knew going in this at least the first few episodes would just be dedicated to introducing everything. I did enjoy how they chose to show off a bit of each of the members of the royal family, but it was a little disappointing that all the focus seemed to mostly be on Balck bolt, Medusa, and Maximus. So that was a little disappointing that they all didn't get a spot in the light especially Crystal because in my opinion out of all them she is one of the most powerful because she can control all four elements, and yes they did show off her using a bit of ice and had her charging up her fire but overall she really didn't use her powers it was just small things. Then I liked that they did do a bit of explaining for the Terrigenesis side of things even though they did it a bit different then what Agents of SHIELD have done for the Terrigenesis. Because in SHIELD when going through Terrigenesis you get locked up in this rock shell for a while and then hatch, while here you get covered by the mist for a bit and then instantly have your powers. So it was a bit different but maybe that could be because the inhumans understand it a bit more so maybe they evolved the whole prosses a bit more. And yes I can understand some peoples disagreements with this whole series because it is not the best show out there and for putting it on the theater screen it just isn't a show that would transfer over like that very well. Then it was interesting how they decided to do the whole relationship between Maximus and Medusa because they did show that there was something there but it kind of wasn't the best because it left Maximus seeming really creepy and it was disappointing because they kind of made it like that was his only personality trait and there is so much more to the character than being a creep. Then the ending of this episode was really kind of weird and rushed because it was dedicated to getting most of the royal family off of Attillan and onto earth, and just who they chose to send away when was just weird. And it felt rushed because to start it all Maximus was kind of like I'll just take over now for no reason. And it was weird how Maximus apparently had people working for him down on earth when earlier it seemed like he knew nothing about earth. But I can kind of understand all of it from it being a midpoint because in the theater this episode was shown alongside the second episode so this ending was just the middle of the whole two-hour thing. Then the part with Medusa at the end was interesting and great if they do use it right in the next episode where there is a thing to her powers where she can still control her hair for a short time after it had been cut, so maybe she can still control her hair from earth. And just overall this was a really entertaining first episode and I'm curious to see where they will go from here.  

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