Sunday, October 29, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Episode 8 "Winter of Our Discontent" Review

Ally confronts Kai meanwhile Winter must choose between Kai and Beverly when he makes a questionable decision.

This was a really amazing and entertaining episode that was so great to watch and see how everything was done and what all might happen going forward. And I really love that most of this episode revolved around Winter and her dealing with everything that's going on with Kai and her trying to decide if she is going to stick with her brother because he's her brother or if she's going to go with Beverly and try and protect herself. And I just really loved how she dealt with everything that Kai sort of threw out to her and how she sort of evolve to settling on that her brother really is out of hand with him making all these decisions to try and keep the cult going after he dies because he fully thinks that he's going to die at some point. And then I really loved the moment when Winter has to face off against the detective and she sort of harkens back to the last episode was Valerie Solanas and she tries to get the detective to call himself a turd and she calls him scum and does all this different stuff was just really amazing to see her finally sort of start to stand up for herself and making decisions for herself. And then the moments with Beverly or interesting with how everything ended and how it all sort of interconnected back to Winter because at the beginning of this episode Beverly made the comment to Winter that she had so much time to try and get her brother back on the right track otherwise Beverly was going to go and kill him so how old it turned out was just really amazing. Then the moments with Ally were really great with her whole conversation with Kai and her trying to understand why he's doing what he's doing and the fact that she joined the cult in this episode to try and get back her son and trying to get back everything that she wants makes me really excited to see what's all going to happen between Ally and Ivy in the next episodes. Then Kai's older brother's whole story makes me really curious to know what he actually had planned whether it is what Ally said that his brother really had a plan which was that he wants to try and have all these documents saying that he was trying to get Kai committed for insanity as a way that once Kai's plans eventually fail he will have a backup to say that he knew about it and he tried to stop it or if his older brother was actually genuinely trying to help Kai all that I'm really interested to know more about but with how this episode ended I don't think that's going to happen. And then just overall this was a really amazing and entertaining episode that you really need to watch to fully understand what all happened in what's all going on.

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