Monday, October 9, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Episode 5 "Holes" Review

Beverly's journalistic integrity is called into question; Kai plans to broadcast a gruesome murder committed by the cult; Ally's phobias reach a new low.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that did a lot of going back where episode three left off but there is a bit of a gap in time between those two episodes. There were so many really cool reveals in this episode one of them being that yes Winter is a part of the cult, but it was shown that Ivy is a part of the cult which just blew my mind. And I'm very curious to see how all this is going to turn out because in this episode Ally found out the truth about Ivy when Meadow came to her looking for help. Then the parts with the cult were very interesting as there having the story jump back and forth through time as the group is progressing there skills and understanding more what they need to do to create fear in people. The main kill that the cult did in this episode was really great with them going after Beverly's boss so that she can more freely show some of the cult's activities on the news, and them just finding out all these secrets about Beverly's boss was really great. Then it was interesting with the cult and them realizing that now they have more power it is a lot easier to start getting rid of the weaker links, so it was interesting to start seeing them turn on each other. Then the part of the episode where it showed Kai's supposed backstory was really great and I kind of hope that he is lying. Because before he started talking it was commented that he has made up a lot of different stories about himself and I kind of hope this is another fake one and someone figures that out and goes into the locked room to find no bodies. Then I really enjoyed the revealed of even more members of the cult where it was shown that the detective is a member as well as Ally's therapist but the therapist isn't just a member he is also Kai's older brother. And just overall this was a really great and interesting episode and I'm so excited to see where they will go from here.

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