Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Gotham Season 3 Episode 14 "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies" Review

With Jerome on the loose with one Target in mind, Bruce and Alfred's safety is compromised, meanwhile, Gordon's Uncle Frank pays him a visit. And Nygma and Penguin are forced to confront their issues face-to-face with possible deadly consequences.

This was a really cool episode that really went down the way I was expecting it to go, but it still was really cool to watch everything play out. I really liked all the moments of just sheer and utter chaos that was going on around Gotham. And Jerome going in and taking Bruce was really cool with Bruce using Jerome's love of putting on a show to gain a few extra hours of his life for Alfred to go and get help. All of the boardwalk scenes was really great with the people who usually run the games now having to be a part of them, so like the guy who ran the shooting gallery now had to be one of the moving targets. Then the actual ending fight scene between Jerome and Bruce was really great but I kind of feel that there was a lot of moment where they forgot that Bruce broke his wrist to get out of the handcuffs. And I liked that the story for Bruce kind of ended with Bruce setting up the first one of his rules which were if he was going to fight evil he will never kill. Then the moments between Nygma and Penguin were kind of cool but also really kind of boring with all the things of Penguin kind of proving that he can actually love something. And I don't think Penguin is going to stay dead because they really just can't do that. And for having a chunk of the rest of this season be about Nygma becoming the Riddler is a really cool story but I really don't know what they can do to extend that story out. Because I love the Riddler to the bottom of my heart but he kind of is a boring character without a lot of substance to him to carry a story alone. So that is part of the reason I think Penguin will be back because a double revenge story could be a good story. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm curious to see what there going to do when the show comes back in April.   

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 10 "We Can Be Heroes" Reviews

When Livewire apparently breaks out of prison, Supergirl sets out to recapture her.

This was a really great episode that managed to cover a lot of different stories but not make them to confusing to follow. I really liked that they brought Livewire and all the different things that they did with her. I really loved the moment where Kara is talking about how hard it is to have a nemesis and how Clark always makes it look easy. And how Clark's relationship with Lex is kind of like having an evil pen pale. Then I really kind of like that they decided to go a different route by having Livewire kind of the victim in this episode. It was also interesting that Kara seemed to have this idea that the only people who can be heroes are those who have powers, and that just seemed like a really weird moment in my mind. I really liked Mon-El stepping up and starting to become a hero, but it was a little harsh how James treated Mon-El by telling Kara that he never could be a hero. And the ending moment between Mon-El and Kara was defiantly needed and I'm happy that it all finally is out there and the two of them have to deal with what to do now. It was also a little weird how she got mad at him for running in to help her instead of staying back when it is pretty obvious as to why he ran in because she was getting really beaten up and he thought he could help. And I'm happy that the truth about The Guardian was finally told to Kara and she took all of it a lot harder than I was expecting. I did really like the ending fight scene where Guardian and Mon-El came in trying to prove themselves to Kara but ended up needing her help. The moments with J'onn and M'gann were really interesting and I kind of can't wait to see where they will go from there. And just overall this was a really interesting episode and I can't wait to see more.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 5 "Everybody Lies" Review

Seeking revenge for the death of her sister, the Witch of the East, the Witch of the West tracks down Dorothy and interrogates her; while the wizard seeks help from the Kingdom of Ev to defeat the beast.

This was a really interesting episode that had a lot of moments that I really enjoyed and it was just so much fun to watch. I really liked the moments with Dorothy and her dealing with being interrogated by the Witch of The West. It was epically fun when West tricked me again by disguising herself as someone Dorothy knows. Then the interaction between Tip and Dorothy went about how I expected it to go. The moments with Lucas were also really great with him and the little girl running around Emerald City trying to find Dorothy while also trying not to be spotted. Then the ending moment where Lucas is confronted by some of the Emerald City guards was so good. And now I want to know what will happen with the little girl now that she is on her own. Then Jack and Lady Ev were so good with them becoming friends and getting to know each other a bit more. And I liked the moment where Jack got into a fight and the other guys kept hitting Jack in his metal parts so they kept getting injured without Jack doing anything. Then the ending was so cool with the truth coming out that they stuck with the idea of The Wizard being from our world and got stuck in OZ. Then I don't know how I feel about the ending statement made by The Wizard because I somewhat find it really interesting but also why does everyone have to be fully connected to each other. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm so excited to see more.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 13 "Life Me Up" Review

Angie tries to target her mother's illness using radical nanobot technology, but she looks to Scott for help when her mother prefers using traditional methods. Also, when a graffiti artist with a clotting disorder falls from a bridge, Walter, Malik, and Zoe attempt to use suspended animation to stop his internal bleeding. And Walter is put in an awkward position when Julianna discovers James used the unapproved GSS drug on Louis Keating.

This was a really interesting episode that had some really cool moments to it that were really entertaining to watch. I really liked the parts with Angie in this episode and her trying to reach this point of understanding with her mother. And I did really like the points that Scott brought up to Angie that she is really smart with the ideas of making the rest of the team come up with this radicle cure for her mother and well as that fact that she keeps telling her mother what to do and what she needs to do is tell her mother what she thinks and listen to what her mother thinks. Then the parts with the graffiti artist were interesting with all the different presiders they went through in order to save this guys life.  And I liked the conversation between the guy's brother and Walter were the point was made that sometimes there just are people who will do what they think regardless of what others try and tell them. Julianna discovering what James did was kind of cool with how Walter took it because when James told him he seemed shocked but also kind of okay with it, but he also still knew the danger behind using this unapproved drug. Then when Julianna asked Walter about it and he lied saying that he was behind giving Louis the drug and not James, even though it was pretty clear she knew it was James. And I just really hope we get an answer on what Walter will do now that James made it know that he won't stop giving Louis the drug. And just overall this was a really great episode that was entertaining to watch.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Code Black Season 2 Episode 14 "Vertigo" Review

After pulling a double shift, Mario risks his own life when he follows Willis to a construction site where two brothers are trapped on a crane 300 feet above the ground.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of really great moments to it that all were really entertaining to watch. The parts with the students and the prank gone wrong was interesting but I knew about ten minutes in who was the one set off the pepper spray, so when the truth was reviled at the end it wasn't surprising but it still was nice to see the character grow as a person and admit what they did wrong. And the ending between the student and the teacher was so sweet and as a huge English nerd, it was even better. Then the parts with Mario and Ethan were great with them dealing with the heights problem as well as trying to save both brothers lives when one wrong move could kill one or both of them. I knew from the very beginning that they were going to cut off the one brothers arm because there was no way around it. But it was kind of cool that they did show the slow presses needed to take off someone's arm correctly. And I loved the ending between Mario and Ethan with the comment being that as a great doctor you need to know your limits and Ethan thinks Mario is so close to being a great doctor he just needs to learn that skill. Then the storyline around the women who was all beaten up was interesting with the take they decided to with the story by kind of having a don't judge someone right away kind of mentality to it. And just overall this was a really interesting episode and I can't wait to see that the next one will bring.     

Arrow Season 5 Episode 10 "Who Are You?" Review

Worried that Prometheus may be right about him being a killer, Oliver finds a ray of hope in the apparent return of Laurel. Felicity swears revenge against Prometheus for causing Malone's death.

This was a really interesting episode that was kind of predictable for me but still really entertaining to watch. The main thing hat was really predictable for me was how Laurel could be back, I did really like her excuse of how Sarah went back in time and saved her and stuff like that managed to be just far-fetched enough for me to take it as truth. It was a little annoying to have Felicity constantly going behind Oliver's back to stop Black Siren. But I also understood it from her perspective because Oliver kept trying to make Black Siren into Laurel when she is not anymore. Then it was a little weird to follow in the whole final fighting scene between team arrow and Prometheus because everything seemed to jump around a lot I got really confused at some points. Then I wonder how STAR Labs didn't notice when Black Siren went missing because it seemed like they figured it out when Felicity asked them about it. Then I wonder want Black Siren's plan might have been if Felicity hadn't made the team stop and capture her. Because that point in time wasn't the clearest on whether or not Black Siren was still working for Prometheus. I really find odd how Oliver wants to find the Laurel inside of Black Siren because it makes no sense to me because she might become nicer but she is from a different earth so she will never fully be like the other Laurel. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see more.     

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 10 "Borrowing Problems from the Future" Review

Barry and Team Flash try to figure out a way to change the future to save Iris from her inevitable death. The only way for them to do that is to go back to the future. Wally West will be suiting up as Kid Flash as he teams up with Barry. Will these guys be successful in changing the future and stop Savitar or will the future remain unaltered by their actions?

This was a really interesting episode that had some very fun moments and was really entertaining to watch. I liked seeing Kid Flash in there right alongside Barry in the midst of fighting and stopping bad guys. And it was just fun to see Wally coming into him own as a hero and getting the city to accept him that way. It was very interesting how they decided to take the ideas of Barry dealing with knowing the future and wanting to prevent it. I am very happy that they decided to have Barry tell the truth about knowing the future right in this first episode after him going, and not have it be this long dragged out thing like some of his other past time travel events. I also really liked that they did follow through with opening STAR Labs up as a museum, I'm still very curious as to how that will work around The Flash's schedule but it still looked really cool to see some of the lab all dressed up. The relationship between Cisco and H.R. is still really confusing to follow because sometimes they hate each other and in other moments there okay with each other. Then it was kind of cool that they did go back to the future kind of to get more information and each of the major events that they figured out is going to happen involves one of the main people individually. Bringing Julian into the mix I think is kind of nice but I don't really know what he'll do besides maybe help Caitlin control her abilities more. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode and I'm very curious to see what will happen next.

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 11 "Wake Up" Review

May works to uncover the truth about what happened to her; Aida's next move puts everyone's life at risk.

This was a very interesting and okay episode that was defiantly fun to watch but it also kind of felt very long. I really liked the furthering of the story both surrounding android May as well as real May. With that, all the moments with real May and what Radcliff is doing to keep her sedated was kind of cool but not all the surprising because the main thing I felt was supposed to be a surprise I actually expected to happen. Then the moments where they realized that someone was in talk with senator Nadeer because she knew to expect them to be bugging her office was kind of cool with how they thought she was spying on them and how the truth actually was revealed to be and how fake May figured out she is the spy camera. Then I really like how they decided to work with the fact that android May knows the truth about herself where she can remain knowing the truth but there is a program inside of her that prevents her from telling anyone else. And with that I very curious to know how the truth will eventually come about May and if it will happen before her programming kicks into where she steals the Darkhold. With that how this episode ended, I want to know if I understood what senator Nadeer was implying was right where she hates aliens and inhumans but she is okay with magic because she kind of wants the Darkhold herself, because how does that workout. But I do have to say overall this was a really fun episode and I can't wait to see more.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 15 "The Hole Truth" Review

Team Scorpion must save a man teetering on the edge of a massive sinkhole that threatens to destroy the Los Angeles water supply forever.

This was a really fun and entertaining episode that had some great moments to it that were interesting to watch. I really like in the beginning of this episode how it was reviled that Toby had created a chart to tell the state of mind that Walter is in and comparing that to nuclear threat levels. Then it was kind of interesting to see Paige split off from the rest of the team to help her mother and the team had to work together all by themselves to fix the problems that came up. With that, the moments with Paige and her mother were fun with seeing that Paige had learned some skills from her mother in the act of being a con person and how to manipulate people which are what she learned from team scorpion. Then it was fun to watch Walter over and over again insult the head on sight of the construction. Then it did get a little tiresome when one problem would be fixed and then another would come out of it. The ending between Paige and her mother was interesting to see it all play out and also kind of fun when Paige made the ending comment. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and it was interesting to watch.

Gotham Season 3 Episode 13 "Smile Like You Mean It" Review

On the run from Gordon and Bullock, Dwight tries to revive Jerome and, in turn, activates his acolytes around Gotham City. Meanwhile, Selina's mom's intentions in Gotham are revealed, and the power play between Penguin and Nygma escalates as Barbara's plans are set in place.

This was a really interesting episode that was so much fun to watch and see how everything played out. I like the idea of bringing Jerome back and how they kind of did a few everyone's theories on how bringing Jerome back would be accomplished. It was really fun in the moment where Dwight is first stepping out as the leader of the group while wearing Jerome's face and Jerome is back in the police station criticizing him for not having any stage presence or anything like that. It was interesting with how they decided to go with this idea Jerome's followers being anyone so you never really knew who to trust. Also, I liked how Jerome seemed really interested in the idea of these followers behind him but then again he really didn't seem to care whether or not this group of followers lived or died. Then the ending with Jerome making his appearance and showing how it is really done was great to see and I'm so excited to see what will happen next. Then the moments with Selina's whole story were interesting to see but not all that excited because for me they were kind of predictable and a little boring. And Penguin's moments were great with how Nygma and Barbra got Penguin to disassemble him villain empire pretty much all by himself. And now I curious to see what will happen to Penguin now and how Barbra will reassemble the gangs to follow her. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see what they will do next. 

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 9 "Supergirl Lives" Review

While searching for a missing woman, Supergirl and Mon-El end up on another planet where Roulette leads a slave trafficking ring.

This was a really interesting episode that was fun to watch but not really what I was expecting for this episode to go. I was expecting a lot more Roulette but she was really only there for like a few minutes and not all that important of a character in this episode. I really loved all the roles that Mon-El played in this episode from scare bartender to actually becoming a hero. The moment on the alien planet where Mon-El stood up and tried to protect the human and Kara from one of the aliens and the dominator stopped him was very interesting to see the meaning behind that. And the group of aliens hunting down Mon-El made an appearance in this episode again and I still want to know what they're all about. Then it was a little weird how James and Kara are kind of fighting to get their hero's name in the paper and along with that is was weird how Kara let the two of the jewel thief's go just to catch one. All the moments with Winn were great with him losing his confidence and do to certain events in this episode he gains it back. Then Alex was interesting with how they continue to jump on and off of her having a relationship with Maggie. Then with Supergirl trapped on an alien planet, it seemed obvious to sent in Hank but when they couldn't they went in with Alex and the team which was really cool to see them destroying everything. Then the yellow sun grenade that was introduced in this episode so give Kara back her powers for the short term was a really cool device that I hope they find another way to use it and not just have this really cool device be a one-time thing. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm really excited to see more.

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 10 "And the Wrath of Chaos" Review

The library is simultaneously infiltrated by DOSA and Apep; Flynn, Baird, Stone, Cassandra, Ezekiel and Jenkins must put aside their differences to save the library, the world and themselves.

This was an interesting episode that was fun but a little confusing to follow because it jumped around so much. The main thing that bugged me was all the plot that surrounded wich side Eve was on. Because they kept bouncing her back and forth to the point of annoyance then at the end it reveled the Eve and Flynn had this whole master plan that kind of came out of nowhere, and they had planned out and expected all the stupid moment in this episode to happen. I really liked the main three working on solving the riddles in order to free Jenkins. It was really kind of fun in the moments where Flynn is sneaking around The Library collecting the artifacts he can. I liked how they managed to end this episode with using the Eye of Ray in a little bit of a different way to end up defeating Apep and stop the spread of darkness. I’m very interested to know if this show comes back for a season 4 what are they going to do with DOSA now that the Librarians kind of proved themselves as not being a major threat. And just overall this was a really entertaining final episode and I really hope it comes back again for another season.

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4 "Science and Magic" Review

Dorothy and Lucas encounter a mysterious young girl who has lost her way; Tip is caught between two powerful forces; the wizard exacts his authority over a village's citizens; a unique woman leads Jack down a new path.

This was such a great episode that had a lot of really interesting moments to it that were so much fun to watch. I am so happy because I was right about who the Tin-man is even though after last episode I was a little worrisome about whether or not I was correct. And it was so cool to watch them work through trying to get used to their new metal joins. And the interaction with the Tin-man and Lady Ev were really cool to see especially their first one and I'm so excited to see more. Then the moments with Tip were really interesting with him sort of dealing with being in the body of a girl and being alone. It was kind of funny to me because out of all the potential places where Tip ends up it's the orphanage where the witches select then new followers. It was especially funny when Tip brought up the line of "as an orphan women the choice was to either become a nun or a whore". Then the moments with the Wizard were okay I liked watching him scare villages into choosing science over magic. Then Dorothy and Lucas were great with them continuing to escape from the wizard's guard and it was really cool that they kind of confirmed that Lucas was a part of the guard because one of them knew him. The little girl they met was really cool with her magic kind of being linked up to fear. And just overall this was a really amazing episode and I can't wait for more.    

Friday, January 20, 2017

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 12 "I Got This" Review

Talaikha and Malik treat Georgia Ray one of the world's biggest pop stars, for laryngeal cancer, but when it is revealed that there is more cancer than expected, they incur the singer's wrath when her vocal chords and career are threatened. Also, Angie's mother reluctantly sees Scott as a patient when she thinks she may be ill, and James is discouraged when he thinks Louis Keating's GSS is getting worse.

This was a really great episode that had some interesting moments in it and a great story as a whole for each of the characters. The story with Georgia Ray was interesting with how they chose to show everything with having a really stuck up pop star kind of being dragged buck down to normality. And the moment with James freaking out at her for being stuck up was really great with how well the writers structured every word he said. It was a little weird how quickly Georgia's opinion on everything changed but I guess they could put that up to the realization of her career possibly ending brought her back from being a diva. Then the other main patient who was a drug addict and pregnant was really cool with the fake womb they made to help the baby. And just watching the mother going through all these processes to finally get clean and gain that inner strength to stay clean was so cool. Then the parts with Angie were very interesting to watch her being reluctant to talk to her mother because they don't really get along, but she still cares about and is worried about her mother. Then when the truth came out about what was actually wrong with her mother it was interesting to see everyone involved deal with that. And Louis was fun to see James constantly checking up on him and worrying that the cure he gave the last episode wasn't working. And just overall this was a great and interesting episode that was fun to watch.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 10 "The Patriot" Review

Separated from their team, Coulson and Mack discover a shocking secret about Mace, leaving all of S.H.I.E.L.D. in a precarious position.

This was a really great and interesting episode that took a couple of twists to it that I really wasn't expecting. I really liked the idea of this episode with the team kind of being split up but they are trying to solve the same kind of problem. It was really cool to see Simmons using her power of being a head of SHIELD to gain certain information that was kind of being hidden under her nose. It was really kind of fun to see Talbot again and see him trying to keep his position of power in check while no one at SHIELD really wants to listen to him. All the moments with Coulson, Mack, and Mace were really great with how they chose to show things like Coulson and Mack having no choice but to listen to what the director told them to do. And the whole final shoot out between those three guys and the group trying to kill them was very interesting. The whole truth about all of the director's history is very interesting but I really like him as a character so hopefully, with this second chance that Coulson gave him he will grow to become a true member of the team and still kind of remain the really nice guy the show has shown him as. All the parts with May and Radcliff were really interesting with May waking up from her drug induced sleep and all the realizations Radcliff made from that. Then the fact that Radcliff is kind of banned from the SHIELD base made his whole evil plans kind of interesting with him having to play an even longer game than he had originally intended. Then I really liked the thing Radcliff said about android May and how she is slightly better then Aida because she doesn't know she is an android that was really cool and made very interesting with how this episode ended with android May figuring out the truth about herself. And just overall this was a really cool episode that was really entertaining to watch.   

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 13 "Faux Money Maux Problems" Review

When Team Scorpion is duped into producing counterfeit money for a foreign entity intent on ruining the U.S. economy, Paige must rely on her mother Veronica's skills as a grifter to save them.

This was a kind of fun and weird episode that was entertaining to watch but I didn't really care much for it as a whole. I like the idea of the group being tricked into doing this counterfeit job and all the other tricks that followed that. It was also really great how they brought Paige's mother back into the mix in a really interesting and useful way. And I liked how they kept bringing up all these different things that Paige's mother had taught Paige in order to survive. Then I really liked the moments with Toby and Happy doing their own things while the rest of the group were kidnapped. And it was really nice how all the problems for the group kind of came full circle where one of their first main problems actually ending up helping them escape in the end of this episode. The things I didn't really care for were how simple a lot of their problems were fixed. Like the whole escape plan for Walter, Cabe, and Sylvester just was so simplistic because they weren't actually trapped in another country and the guy at the bar they met just happened to have everything they needed to help them get Paige and her mother out as well. And all the jokes made about Paige's mother were also not all that great and seemed really unnecessarily thrown in there. But I do have to say overall this was a really entertaining episode I just didn't care much for it.

Gotham Season 3 Episode 12 "Ghosts" Review

Falcone places a hit on Gordon after learning that he shot Mario. Gordon and Bullock discover a follower of Jerome, who plans to bring him back to life. Meanwhile, Penguin spirals out of control before the biggest television interview of his Mayoral career, and Bruce and Selina deal with Selina's mom's return to Gotham.

This was a very interesting episode that was a little hard to follow and really jumped around a lot in its stories. I really like the idea at the beginning of this episode where Leslie hated Gordon for what he has done to repeatedly ruin her life. But the fact that Falcone was only willing to get his revenge on Gordon if Leslie wanted it too seemed a little far fetch especially with how quickly Leslie changes her mind. I did really like the Jerome cult get together and how creepy they kind of made it feel. Then it was really fun having Zsasz back and having him compliment Gordon on his skills while also trying to kill him. It was kind of hard to watch this episode because there were like four completely different stories going on that really seemed to jump around more than normal and I didn't really care for that. The parts with Penguin in this episode were really great with Penguin slowly going crazy, and it was interesting when the truth was actually reviled that Nygma was behind all of it and what Nygma's future plans are for Penguin. Then the moments with Bruce and Selina were really interesting for a number of reasons. I really liked getting to know Selina's mother and kind of seeing that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It was also really cool that they did bring up the court of owls figurine in the simplest of ways and I'm very excited to see what they map the figurine showed leads to. Then ending was also really cool with this group of cult people working to bring Jerome back and all their secret experiment they are trying to do in order to get it all right. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited to see more. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 9 "And the Fatal Separation" Review

The balance of the universe is put in jeopardy when the Monkey King's sacred homeland of Shangri-La is taken over by a ruthless collector of magical artifacts.

This was a really great episode that was so much fun to watch and did a great job of setting up some events for the finale episode. I really liked the beginning of this episode where Jake is training with the Monkey King to become a better fighter but is still sticking with his no magic ideas. It was a little weird that Jake didn't get affected by the knockout darts quite as fast as everyone else, he instead got enough time to fight some ninjas and make his escape. I did really like that several people in the group knew who this collector Lam was and it made the operation of getting around him a bit easier. It was really interesting the different ideas that all these groups had about The Library where Lam thinks of it as just a collection of items similar to his, DOSA thinks of it as a terrible group with dangerous weapons that needs to be stopped, and the Librarians think of it as a protector of the world from magic. It was really cool to have Charlene back in this episode and have her working with the Librarians as well as really wrapping up her story kind of nicely. It was very interesting that they decided to have Jenkins love be Charlene and she knew it. Then the chamber of memories was really cool with how it showed a bit of personality for each of the Librarians as well as predicting a future that I hope doesn't happen. And it was kind of cool to see Cassandra using her new powerful magic to help her and just learning to control it more. And just overall this was a really interesting and great episode.     

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 3 "Mistress New Mistress" Review

Dorothy and Lucas find out the Wizard's guards are coming to kill her; in Emerald City, the Wizard looks to his counsel for advisement as the witches show their power; Tip and Jack head to the city of Ev for a cure following a revelation.

This was a really interesting episode that had a lot of really great moments to it that were so much fun to watch. I really liked the idea of the new console women to the wizard had all these different connections to people like the witch of the west and the wizard. Then the moments where she brings up how all the other console women are wrong about what forms they think the beast will take how everything she believes will happen ends up become true. It was really interesting how they are choosing to do the idea of the false wizard where he had all this magical control over the stone giants and things like that but now he has lost that ability and is lying about it and that is why he wants the witches to open the vault is so he could gain that control back. The moments with Dorothy and Lucas were really interesting with Dorothy pretending to be the new witch of the east and everything that came with that. It was especially cool that they did manage to tie Dorothy's mother back into the mix to help explain some things. Then the moments with Tip and Jack were really great with them slowly finding out more of the truth about Tip. Then the ending between the two of them was really great and very surprising. And just overall this was a really great episode that was so much fun to watch.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 11 "Touch and Go" Review

James and Zoe work to help a teenage girl with a rare skin blistering disorder, employing radical treatments to heal her skin in time for her to attend her school prom. Also, as Louis Keating's GSS condition gets worse, James is tempted to use his experimental cure to save him. And Malik is jealous over the special connection between James and Zoe.

This was a really interesting episode that was kind of sad at moments but still really entertaining to watch how everything turned out. I really liked the moments with Nina and Louis in this episode and just everyone dealing with the fact that Louis's condition is getting worse.Then the man who came in with this mysterious disease was really interesting with how they went about proving that he was sick with a brand new disease and they managed to find out what was actually making him sick. Then the moment when Walter and James were talking to each other about the ways Walter is going to cure his patient and how that kind of connects to what James wants to do for Louis. All the moments with Malik spying on James and Zoe were really interesting with how quickly he seemed to become jealous over everything when if he has been working there long enough he should be aware of the things that James and Zoe do together. Of course, it probably didn't help much that Zoe ended up lying to Malik about whether or not there ever was a thing between her and James. Then the girl with the skin condition was really great with all the different and unique ways they went about helping her to get to her prom. It was a little sad in the moment when she ended up loosing her dress when she started bleeding through it or the idea of how painful it is for her to walk. But the ending was really sweet for her and how they eventually got her to the dance and got her able to walk on her own with minimal pain. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.       

Code Black Season 2 Episode 13 "Unfinished Business" Review

Guthrie considers an experimental surgery to treat his Parkinson's while adjusting to his new position as the hospital chaplain.

This was such a cool episode that left me a little confused at moments but the ending was so worth getting through all that confusion. All the different patients that were inflicted by this one fire were so cool with the different stories between each of them. The boy who was being blamed for the fire I wish they could have shown a bit more of him because he seemed like a really interesting character to me. Then the woman who was trying to kill herself in order to give her son a better life was interesting when the concept was brought up that her trying to kill herself actually ended up saving her from the fire because she was breathing in less smoke. Then, of course, there was the woman with her two kids and all the fallout that surrounded that. It was really cool seeing Guthrie there helping out some of the residents especially when it came to Elliot and their little pep talk about why Elliot deserves to be there and be a doctor. The women that Ethan was taking care of in this episode was a little annoying with her determination to talk to her father so much so that she tried walking on her two broken legs and busted open her pancreas in the process. It was a little sad how both this woman and her father wanted to ask for forgiveness by the other but never really got the chance to do so. Then the ending of this episode was interesting with the truth of what was actually going on was reviled. It was also really cool to see Cole again and have Guthrie explain a bit of the truth to him. And just overall this was a really interesting episode that was so cool to watch everything play out.

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 9 "Broken Promises" Review

Though Coulson and May are growing closer, Coulson remains unaware of the dark secret May is hiding beneath the surface. Meanwhile, Aida is unrelenting in her search for the Darkhold.

This was a really interesting episode that had some moments to it that were really kind of surprising and had some great twists to it. I really liked having Aida as the main enemy and her learning to become more human because of the Darkhold. It was interesting to see how she managed to rise above her normal controls and really became the master of almost all technology. I really loved all the jokes that Mack made about movies where technology ends up rise up against humans and every now and then he would make a reference to a movie. It was also really funny when he brought up that he has in his life insurance a set up for if robots rise up and kill him his brother will gain a lot of money out of it.  All the moments with May and Coulson were really cool in this episode but I wonder what will happen when the truth about May comes out. It was a little weird how no one seemed to spot May when they returned to Dr. Radcliff's house or asked her what happened when they found the bodies of the other agents who went with her. It was also a little weird that Coulson didn't notice when Aida shut May off, but they made it seem like Coulson got knocked out but that was not really what was shown. Then the moments with the director and Daisy were pretty cool but I do wish the outcome of their mission would have turned out better. I really liked the comment the Fitz made that the Darkhold gave Aida all these emotions and she is acting up because she was flooded with all these emotions at once and doesn't know what to do with them. I was going to be very disappointed with the ending of this episode but the twist at the last five minutes of it instead left me really excited to see what will happen, but also a little disappointed because I really liked Dr. Redcliff. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm so excited for more.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 8 "And the Eternal Question" Review

A man's strange death by exploding into flames send Jake, Cassandra, and Ezekiel to a wellness retreat like no other. There they find the key to eternity or at least it seems they do. Meanwhile, Carsen and Baird spend much needed time alone.

This was a really interesting and great episode that had a lot of really great moments to it that were so much fun to watch. I really liked the idea of the vampires and how they chose to show them with having this paradise land that the vampires were able to walk in the sunlight as long as they stay on that land. It was a little unique that the reason that the grown was okay for the vampires was because of the space rocks treating the waters in a magical way. It was kind of fun seeing Jake and Ezekiel freak out and go in full vampire slayer mode once they found out the truth about people running the retreat. It was also really nice that this episode focused a lot of Cassandra and her problems as well as her finding ways to keep fighting. It was a little weird in the final fight scenes how Jake and Ezekiel had all this wooden furniture around them and they didn't care to smash a few and use it as a stake. The ending for Cassandra was really cool with her being able to control her magic a bit more. Then the moments with Eve and Flynn were okay but really not all that necessary. But I do have to say overall this was a great episode that was a joy to watch.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 2 "Prison of the Abject" Review

While trying to find a way home, Dorothy meets an amnesiac wounded soldier and a young man trying to free his best friend from a mysterious woman.

This was a really entertaining and kind of weird episode that left a lot of questions unanswered, but I will give that a bit of a pass for now because of the fact this is only the second episode. The Wizard again was a little power hungry and demanding in this episode with him forcing the two witches to do their magical ceremonies in front of the public so that everyone can remember just how evil magic can be. He also really only was being nice to the two witches because he wanted something back from them. It is kind of interesting how there choosing to show Galinda because she doesn't seem all that nice in some moments in this episode. She seems much more power hungry and really trying to put all her pawns in the right place. All the moments with Dorothy and Lucas in this episode were really interesting in the ideas of kind of finding out a bit more about Lucas. Because with what this episode showed he was either a part of the wizard's guard and did something wrong causing him to be strung up like a scarecrow or he fought against them enough to get one of their swords and eventually lost. All the moments with the one medicine women in this episode were kind of fun with the things she said but also really weird. I liked the whole story between Tip and Jack and the surprise of what the medicine was actually doing for Tip I was not expecting at all. The ending of this episode for Lucas was also really surprising with how dark things got. But I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for more.   

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 1 "The Beast Forever" Review

While looking for her mother, Dorothy Gale is swept up in a tornado and lands in a mystical world where the powerful ruler of a kingdom faces the wrath of witches and a mythical force.

This was a really interesting first episode that did a really great job of setting up the main themes of the entrance into OZ but also having their own uniqueness to it. I really liked the idea of having this older Dorothy who has a job and is trying to get to know her real birth mother. It was a little strange for the beginning moments before Dorothy got sucked up in the tornado all that was going on around her mother was a little hard to follow and hopefully as the show continues thing will become a bit clearer. It was an interesting take no the village that Dorothy first runs into and how unlike the first take of the Wizard of OZ these people are not so friendly when it comes to Dorothy walking into the village, they even go so far as to kick her out and tell her to never return. The Wizard is a very interesting character in this episode because of the ideas surrounding him where he is this almost all powerful king that completely outlawed magic and for the most part everyone listens to even the three head witches. And with that, the Witch of the West seems very subdued compared to how she is usually shown. The whole idea of this rising darkness that the Wizard believes is Dorothy is a really cool idea that I kind of can't wait to see all play out. The person that they made be sort of the standing block for the Scarecrow they did a really great job with him by taking the idea of him needing a brain and just changing it to him needing his memories back. The ending of this episode was really kind of fun with Dorothy tricking the Witch of the East in a kind of clever way. It was kind of weird that they decided to go with some Ruby studded armor gloves instead of a pair of shoes. I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for more.      

Friday, January 6, 2017

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 10 "Hero Worship" Review

When a woman arrives at Bunker Hill with a mysterious lung ailment, James is conflicted after he connects other respiratory cases in her area to possible contamination from a microchip factory owned by his hero, tech guru Douglas Prescott. Also, Walter and Taliakha work to find why a young man can't walk despite his legs being in good condition, and Zoe becomes jealous of James's connection to Nina.

This was a really interesting episode that focused more on one patient and her problems and everything around that problem. Like the main focus was the women with dying lungs and they actually brought up and worked on the cause of her problems and not just trying to fix her. It was very interesting to see James outside of the hospital and doing a bit of work on his own. The actual creation of the lung to help save this woman's life was really cool with the concept that the lung had no engine it was just powered by the women's own heart. The fact the Prescott was not willing to take the blame for all the lung problems going on in that one area was not all that surprising to me. And the ending of this episode I really liked how James got back at him without necessarily telling the public the full truth. The boy who couldn't walk was a really interesting story that took a really kind of cool take on why this kid was struggling to walk. And just overall this was a really interesting and kind of unique episode.   

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Code Black Season 2 Episode 12 "One in a Million" Review

Against Campbell’s orders, Leanne uses the hospital helicopter to reunite a family one last time.

This was a really interesting and kind of sad episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. The whole scene with the helicopter crash and just seeing how badly all of them got hurt from that was really sad, but it was a little weird of little injured the main patient with appendicitis seemed hurt from the crash compared to everyone else. It was really cool to see Noa and Ethan worked to try and communicate with the autistic girl and get her to tell them what was wrong. Then Mario and Angus competing was kind of interesting to see after how well they have been working together as of recently. But the dynamic that was shown between the two of them is kind of great where Angus can have any opportunity handed to him because of his father while Mario has to continuously fight to prove himself. It was kind of cool the story that the pilot tells, that whenever he drops someone off at the hospital he just has this thought in the back of his mind that they all live so now that he is down in the middle of all them it is a little harder to take because he is watching people die. Then Elliot standing up for himself when the one father was being really mean was a really interesting story that they threw in there.The ending moment between Leanne and Campbell was really kind of sweet where it really leaves the comment that sometimes miracles just happen. The ending of who got picked to be the assistant medical staff for the basketball team was a little surprising with who got picked. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for more. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 12 "Ice Ca-Cabes" Review

The team is forced to freeze Cabe's body when he's hurt by exploding shrapnel during a mission in the desert.

This was a really interesting episode that had a really great story to it but also some really not so great moments. I liked the whole idea of Cabe getting hurt and them working on ways to save him. I really liked the moment before Cabe went unconscious and all the team said goodbye to him to some extent. I really wanted to know if Happy had a spare pair of shoes or something because I could quite see when she took off her boots to make them into a hose and if she didn't have a spare pair of shoes it must have really hurt walking around on that hot desert sand and they didn't really show that so I'm confused somewhat there. It was also cool that they brought back Happy's fear of blood with her helping Toby do the surgery on Cabe. I really enjoyed all the moments with Sylvester and him trying to get a rattle snake and how that turned out for him. Then the moments Paige and Walter were the moments that I didn't really care for because they already set up at the beginning of this episode that Paige wasn't happy with Walter and then they had to go and throw the two of them into all these awkward situations just trying to be funny and it didn't really work out. I liked the ending where Walter convinces the doctors that Cabe is his father so that he can stay close to him. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode. 

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 9 "Grace" Review

When a young man comes to Bunker Hill ravaged by a drug-resistant strain of HIV, James attempts a radical anti-viral treatment. Also, Walter must work quickly when his daughter’s best friend contracts a fatal flesh-eating bacteria, and James makes a connection with Louis Keating’s nurse.

This was a very interesting episode that was a little hard to follow at some points but also still very entertaining to watch. I really loved finally meeting Walter's daughter because she had been brought up here and there and literally like the day before this episode aired I was wondering what Walter's daughter was like, so it kind of was perfect timing. The the bacterial infection that the daughters friend had was great with how they showed it because I'm kind of familiar with this bacterial infection and some parts of it were spot on with how it spreads and how hard it is to tell it has spread until it is kind of hard to see it has spread until it is kind of too late. It was a little sad to see Walter kind of getting left out of his family because he lives so far away, but it is also nice that his daughter is there for him. The HIV patient was very interesting with how they chose to do his story and I really liked his mentality that is nothing was going to save him and he only had a short time to live he might as well make that short time matter by helping others like him. Then it was very interesting to see how they eventually chose to cure him even though it was a little hard to follow all that was going to happen in the surgery. The moments between James and Zoe were nice to have them working things out and understanding where each of them stands in their feeling towards one another. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and it had some great moments to it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 7 "And the Curse of Cindy" Review

Everyone has a new obsession, and her name is Cindy. The Librarians try to get to the bottom of this new mystery to find out why everyone, except for Ezekiel is obsessed with her. Can she be the real deal or does it have to do with a little help from an old rival?

This was a really fun and entertaining episode that had some really great moments to it and some that are kind of okay. I really liked the idea of the love potion and all they did to explain that. Like how the love potion isn't exactly love it is more of an obsession that takes over the people. I really liked the idea of having Ezekiel know who Cindy is and that helped him not fall under her spell as well as having the moments of trying to figure out how he knows her. Then with that, it was really great with how Ezekiel managed to show Cindy what the difference is between love and obsession and how bad obsession could get if things become too powerful. It was a little weird how they decided to turn the witch that was helping Cindy into Apep instead of just making it be some kind of witch. It was also a little weird how they couldn't figure out what the magical item was when from the very first moment you see Cindy it is pretty obvious. I really liked that Flynn and Jake were affected by the love potion and just all the little moments of Jenkins trying to come up with an antidote to fix them. And I do have to say overall this was a really funny and interesting episode to watch.