Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 11 "Wake Up" Review

May works to uncover the truth about what happened to her; Aida's next move puts everyone's life at risk.

This was a very interesting and okay episode that was defiantly fun to watch but it also kind of felt very long. I really liked the furthering of the story both surrounding android May as well as real May. With that, all the moments with real May and what Radcliff is doing to keep her sedated was kind of cool but not all the surprising because the main thing I felt was supposed to be a surprise I actually expected to happen. Then the moments where they realized that someone was in talk with senator Nadeer because she knew to expect them to be bugging her office was kind of cool with how they thought she was spying on them and how the truth actually was revealed to be and how fake May figured out she is the spy camera. Then I really like how they decided to work with the fact that android May knows the truth about herself where she can remain knowing the truth but there is a program inside of her that prevents her from telling anyone else. And with that I very curious to know how the truth will eventually come about May and if it will happen before her programming kicks into where she steals the Darkhold. With that how this episode ended, I want to know if I understood what senator Nadeer was implying was right where she hates aliens and inhumans but she is okay with magic because she kind of wants the Darkhold herself, because how does that workout. But I do have to say overall this was a really fun episode and I can't wait to see more.

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