Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 10 "The Patriot" Review

Separated from their team, Coulson and Mack discover a shocking secret about Mace, leaving all of S.H.I.E.L.D. in a precarious position.

This was a really great and interesting episode that took a couple of twists to it that I really wasn't expecting. I really liked the idea of this episode with the team kind of being split up but they are trying to solve the same kind of problem. It was really cool to see Simmons using her power of being a head of SHIELD to gain certain information that was kind of being hidden under her nose. It was really kind of fun to see Talbot again and see him trying to keep his position of power in check while no one at SHIELD really wants to listen to him. All the moments with Coulson, Mack, and Mace were really great with how they chose to show things like Coulson and Mack having no choice but to listen to what the director told them to do. And the whole final shoot out between those three guys and the group trying to kill them was very interesting. The whole truth about all of the director's history is very interesting but I really like him as a character so hopefully, with this second chance that Coulson gave him he will grow to become a true member of the team and still kind of remain the really nice guy the show has shown him as. All the parts with May and Radcliff were really interesting with May waking up from her drug induced sleep and all the realizations Radcliff made from that. Then the fact that Radcliff is kind of banned from the SHIELD base made his whole evil plans kind of interesting with him having to play an even longer game than he had originally intended. Then I really liked the thing Radcliff said about android May and how she is slightly better then Aida because she doesn't know she is an android that was really cool and made very interesting with how this episode ended with android May figuring out the truth about herself. And just overall this was a really cool episode that was really entertaining to watch.   

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