Thursday, January 5, 2017

Code Black Season 2 Episode 12 "One in a Million" Review

Against Campbell’s orders, Leanne uses the hospital helicopter to reunite a family one last time.

This was a really interesting and kind of sad episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. The whole scene with the helicopter crash and just seeing how badly all of them got hurt from that was really sad, but it was a little weird of little injured the main patient with appendicitis seemed hurt from the crash compared to everyone else. It was really cool to see Noa and Ethan worked to try and communicate with the autistic girl and get her to tell them what was wrong. Then Mario and Angus competing was kind of interesting to see after how well they have been working together as of recently. But the dynamic that was shown between the two of them is kind of great where Angus can have any opportunity handed to him because of his father while Mario has to continuously fight to prove himself. It was kind of cool the story that the pilot tells, that whenever he drops someone off at the hospital he just has this thought in the back of his mind that they all live so now that he is down in the middle of all them it is a little harder to take because he is watching people die. Then Elliot standing up for himself when the one father was being really mean was a really interesting story that they threw in there.The ending moment between Leanne and Campbell was really kind of sweet where it really leaves the comment that sometimes miracles just happen. The ending of who got picked to be the assistant medical staff for the basketball team was a little surprising with who got picked. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for more. 

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