Monday, January 16, 2017

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 9 "And the Fatal Separation" Review

The balance of the universe is put in jeopardy when the Monkey King's sacred homeland of Shangri-La is taken over by a ruthless collector of magical artifacts.

This was a really great episode that was so much fun to watch and did a great job of setting up some events for the finale episode. I really liked the beginning of this episode where Jake is training with the Monkey King to become a better fighter but is still sticking with his no magic ideas. It was a little weird that Jake didn't get affected by the knockout darts quite as fast as everyone else, he instead got enough time to fight some ninjas and make his escape. I did really like that several people in the group knew who this collector Lam was and it made the operation of getting around him a bit easier. It was really interesting the different ideas that all these groups had about The Library where Lam thinks of it as just a collection of items similar to his, DOSA thinks of it as a terrible group with dangerous weapons that needs to be stopped, and the Librarians think of it as a protector of the world from magic. It was really cool to have Charlene back in this episode and have her working with the Librarians as well as really wrapping up her story kind of nicely. It was very interesting that they decided to have Jenkins love be Charlene and she knew it. Then the chamber of memories was really cool with how it showed a bit of personality for each of the Librarians as well as predicting a future that I hope doesn't happen. And it was kind of cool to see Cassandra using her new powerful magic to help her and just learning to control it more. And just overall this was a really interesting and great episode.     

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