Saturday, January 14, 2017

Code Black Season 2 Episode 13 "Unfinished Business" Review

Guthrie considers an experimental surgery to treat his Parkinson's while adjusting to his new position as the hospital chaplain.

This was such a cool episode that left me a little confused at moments but the ending was so worth getting through all that confusion. All the different patients that were inflicted by this one fire were so cool with the different stories between each of them. The boy who was being blamed for the fire I wish they could have shown a bit more of him because he seemed like a really interesting character to me. Then the woman who was trying to kill herself in order to give her son a better life was interesting when the concept was brought up that her trying to kill herself actually ended up saving her from the fire because she was breathing in less smoke. Then, of course, there was the woman with her two kids and all the fallout that surrounded that. It was really cool seeing Guthrie there helping out some of the residents especially when it came to Elliot and their little pep talk about why Elliot deserves to be there and be a doctor. The women that Ethan was taking care of in this episode was a little annoying with her determination to talk to her father so much so that she tried walking on her two broken legs and busted open her pancreas in the process. It was a little sad how both this woman and her father wanted to ask for forgiveness by the other but never really got the chance to do so. Then the ending of this episode was interesting with the truth of what was actually going on was reviled. It was also really cool to see Cole again and have Guthrie explain a bit of the truth to him. And just overall this was a really interesting episode that was so cool to watch everything play out.

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