Sunday, January 8, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 1 "The Beast Forever" Review

While looking for her mother, Dorothy Gale is swept up in a tornado and lands in a mystical world where the powerful ruler of a kingdom faces the wrath of witches and a mythical force.

This was a really interesting first episode that did a really great job of setting up the main themes of the entrance into OZ but also having their own uniqueness to it. I really liked the idea of having this older Dorothy who has a job and is trying to get to know her real birth mother. It was a little strange for the beginning moments before Dorothy got sucked up in the tornado all that was going on around her mother was a little hard to follow and hopefully as the show continues thing will become a bit clearer. It was an interesting take no the village that Dorothy first runs into and how unlike the first take of the Wizard of OZ these people are not so friendly when it comes to Dorothy walking into the village, they even go so far as to kick her out and tell her to never return. The Wizard is a very interesting character in this episode because of the ideas surrounding him where he is this almost all powerful king that completely outlawed magic and for the most part everyone listens to even the three head witches. And with that, the Witch of the West seems very subdued compared to how she is usually shown. The whole idea of this rising darkness that the Wizard believes is Dorothy is a really cool idea that I kind of can't wait to see all play out. The person that they made be sort of the standing block for the Scarecrow they did a really great job with him by taking the idea of him needing a brain and just changing it to him needing his memories back. The ending of this episode was really kind of fun with Dorothy tricking the Witch of the East in a kind of clever way. It was kind of weird that they decided to go with some Ruby studded armor gloves instead of a pair of shoes. I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for more.      

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