Sunday, January 8, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 2 "Prison of the Abject" Review

While trying to find a way home, Dorothy meets an amnesiac wounded soldier and a young man trying to free his best friend from a mysterious woman.

This was a really entertaining and kind of weird episode that left a lot of questions unanswered, but I will give that a bit of a pass for now because of the fact this is only the second episode. The Wizard again was a little power hungry and demanding in this episode with him forcing the two witches to do their magical ceremonies in front of the public so that everyone can remember just how evil magic can be. He also really only was being nice to the two witches because he wanted something back from them. It is kind of interesting how there choosing to show Galinda because she doesn't seem all that nice in some moments in this episode. She seems much more power hungry and really trying to put all her pawns in the right place. All the moments with Dorothy and Lucas in this episode were really interesting in the ideas of kind of finding out a bit more about Lucas. Because with what this episode showed he was either a part of the wizard's guard and did something wrong causing him to be strung up like a scarecrow or he fought against them enough to get one of their swords and eventually lost. All the moments with the one medicine women in this episode were kind of fun with the things she said but also really weird. I liked the whole story between Tip and Jack and the surprise of what the medicine was actually doing for Tip I was not expecting at all. The ending of this episode for Lucas was also really surprising with how dark things got. But I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for more.   

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