Friday, January 20, 2017

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 12 "I Got This" Review

Talaikha and Malik treat Georgia Ray one of the world's biggest pop stars, for laryngeal cancer, but when it is revealed that there is more cancer than expected, they incur the singer's wrath when her vocal chords and career are threatened. Also, Angie's mother reluctantly sees Scott as a patient when she thinks she may be ill, and James is discouraged when he thinks Louis Keating's GSS is getting worse.

This was a really great episode that had some interesting moments in it and a great story as a whole for each of the characters. The story with Georgia Ray was interesting with how they chose to show everything with having a really stuck up pop star kind of being dragged buck down to normality. And the moment with James freaking out at her for being stuck up was really great with how well the writers structured every word he said. It was a little weird how quickly Georgia's opinion on everything changed but I guess they could put that up to the realization of her career possibly ending brought her back from being a diva. Then the other main patient who was a drug addict and pregnant was really cool with the fake womb they made to help the baby. And just watching the mother going through all these processes to finally get clean and gain that inner strength to stay clean was so cool. Then the parts with Angie were very interesting to watch her being reluctant to talk to her mother because they don't really get along, but she still cares about and is worried about her mother. Then when the truth came out about what was actually wrong with her mother it was interesting to see everyone involved deal with that. And Louis was fun to see James constantly checking up on him and worrying that the cure he gave the last episode wasn't working. And just overall this was a great and interesting episode that was fun to watch.

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