Saturday, January 14, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 9 "Broken Promises" Review

Though Coulson and May are growing closer, Coulson remains unaware of the dark secret May is hiding beneath the surface. Meanwhile, Aida is unrelenting in her search for the Darkhold.

This was a really interesting episode that had some moments to it that were really kind of surprising and had some great twists to it. I really liked having Aida as the main enemy and her learning to become more human because of the Darkhold. It was interesting to see how she managed to rise above her normal controls and really became the master of almost all technology. I really loved all the jokes that Mack made about movies where technology ends up rise up against humans and every now and then he would make a reference to a movie. It was also really funny when he brought up that he has in his life insurance a set up for if robots rise up and kill him his brother will gain a lot of money out of it.  All the moments with May and Coulson were really cool in this episode but I wonder what will happen when the truth about May comes out. It was a little weird how no one seemed to spot May when they returned to Dr. Radcliff's house or asked her what happened when they found the bodies of the other agents who went with her. It was also a little weird that Coulson didn't notice when Aida shut May off, but they made it seem like Coulson got knocked out but that was not really what was shown. Then the moments with the director and Daisy were pretty cool but I do wish the outcome of their mission would have turned out better. I really liked the comment the Fitz made that the Darkhold gave Aida all these emotions and she is acting up because she was flooded with all these emotions at once and doesn't know what to do with them. I was going to be very disappointed with the ending of this episode but the twist at the last five minutes of it instead left me really excited to see what will happen, but also a little disappointed because I really liked Dr. Redcliff. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm so excited for more.  

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