Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 9 "Grace" Review

When a young man comes to Bunker Hill ravaged by a drug-resistant strain of HIV, James attempts a radical anti-viral treatment. Also, Walter must work quickly when his daughter’s best friend contracts a fatal flesh-eating bacteria, and James makes a connection with Louis Keating’s nurse.

This was a very interesting episode that was a little hard to follow at some points but also still very entertaining to watch. I really loved finally meeting Walter's daughter because she had been brought up here and there and literally like the day before this episode aired I was wondering what Walter's daughter was like, so it kind of was perfect timing. The the bacterial infection that the daughters friend had was great with how they showed it because I'm kind of familiar with this bacterial infection and some parts of it were spot on with how it spreads and how hard it is to tell it has spread until it is kind of hard to see it has spread until it is kind of too late. It was a little sad to see Walter kind of getting left out of his family because he lives so far away, but it is also nice that his daughter is there for him. The HIV patient was very interesting with how they chose to do his story and I really liked his mentality that is nothing was going to save him and he only had a short time to live he might as well make that short time matter by helping others like him. Then it was very interesting to see how they eventually chose to cure him even though it was a little hard to follow all that was going to happen in the surgery. The moments between James and Zoe were nice to have them working things out and understanding where each of them stands in their feeling towards one another. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and it had some great moments to it.

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