Thursday, January 26, 2017

Arrow Season 5 Episode 10 "Who Are You?" Review

Worried that Prometheus may be right about him being a killer, Oliver finds a ray of hope in the apparent return of Laurel. Felicity swears revenge against Prometheus for causing Malone's death.

This was a really interesting episode that was kind of predictable for me but still really entertaining to watch. The main thing hat was really predictable for me was how Laurel could be back, I did really like her excuse of how Sarah went back in time and saved her and stuff like that managed to be just far-fetched enough for me to take it as truth. It was a little annoying to have Felicity constantly going behind Oliver's back to stop Black Siren. But I also understood it from her perspective because Oliver kept trying to make Black Siren into Laurel when she is not anymore. Then it was a little weird to follow in the whole final fighting scene between team arrow and Prometheus because everything seemed to jump around a lot I got really confused at some points. Then I wonder how STAR Labs didn't notice when Black Siren went missing because it seemed like they figured it out when Felicity asked them about it. Then I wonder want Black Siren's plan might have been if Felicity hadn't made the team stop and capture her. Because that point in time wasn't the clearest on whether or not Black Siren was still working for Prometheus. I really find odd how Oliver wants to find the Laurel inside of Black Siren because it makes no sense to me because she might become nicer but she is from a different earth so she will never fully be like the other Laurel. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see more.     

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