Friday, January 27, 2017

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 13 "Life Me Up" Review

Angie tries to target her mother's illness using radical nanobot technology, but she looks to Scott for help when her mother prefers using traditional methods. Also, when a graffiti artist with a clotting disorder falls from a bridge, Walter, Malik, and Zoe attempt to use suspended animation to stop his internal bleeding. And Walter is put in an awkward position when Julianna discovers James used the unapproved GSS drug on Louis Keating.

This was a really interesting episode that had some really cool moments to it that were really entertaining to watch. I really liked the parts with Angie in this episode and her trying to reach this point of understanding with her mother. And I did really like the points that Scott brought up to Angie that she is really smart with the ideas of making the rest of the team come up with this radicle cure for her mother and well as that fact that she keeps telling her mother what to do and what she needs to do is tell her mother what she thinks and listen to what her mother thinks. Then the parts with the graffiti artist were interesting with all the different presiders they went through in order to save this guys life.  And I liked the conversation between the guy's brother and Walter were the point was made that sometimes there just are people who will do what they think regardless of what others try and tell them. Julianna discovering what James did was kind of cool with how Walter took it because when James told him he seemed shocked but also kind of okay with it, but he also still knew the danger behind using this unapproved drug. Then when Julianna asked Walter about it and he lied saying that he was behind giving Louis the drug and not James, even though it was pretty clear she knew it was James. And I just really hope we get an answer on what Walter will do now that James made it know that he won't stop giving Louis the drug. And just overall this was a really great episode that was entertaining to watch.

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