Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 10 "We Can Be Heroes" Reviews

When Livewire apparently breaks out of prison, Supergirl sets out to recapture her.

This was a really great episode that managed to cover a lot of different stories but not make them to confusing to follow. I really liked that they brought Livewire and all the different things that they did with her. I really loved the moment where Kara is talking about how hard it is to have a nemesis and how Clark always makes it look easy. And how Clark's relationship with Lex is kind of like having an evil pen pale. Then I really kind of like that they decided to go a different route by having Livewire kind of the victim in this episode. It was also interesting that Kara seemed to have this idea that the only people who can be heroes are those who have powers, and that just seemed like a really weird moment in my mind. I really liked Mon-El stepping up and starting to become a hero, but it was a little harsh how James treated Mon-El by telling Kara that he never could be a hero. And the ending moment between Mon-El and Kara was defiantly needed and I'm happy that it all finally is out there and the two of them have to deal with what to do now. It was also a little weird how she got mad at him for running in to help her instead of staying back when it is pretty obvious as to why he ran in because she was getting really beaten up and he thought he could help. And I'm happy that the truth about The Guardian was finally told to Kara and she took all of it a lot harder than I was expecting. I did really like the ending fight scene where Guardian and Mon-El came in trying to prove themselves to Kara but ended up needing her help. The moments with J'onn and M'gann were really interesting and I kind of can't wait to see where they will go from there. And just overall this was a really interesting episode and I can't wait to see more.

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