Monday, January 23, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4 "Science and Magic" Review

Dorothy and Lucas encounter a mysterious young girl who has lost her way; Tip is caught between two powerful forces; the wizard exacts his authority over a village's citizens; a unique woman leads Jack down a new path.

This was such a great episode that had a lot of really interesting moments to it that were so much fun to watch. I am so happy because I was right about who the Tin-man is even though after last episode I was a little worrisome about whether or not I was correct. And it was so cool to watch them work through trying to get used to their new metal joins. And the interaction with the Tin-man and Lady Ev were really cool to see especially their first one and I'm so excited to see more. Then the moments with Tip were really interesting with him sort of dealing with being in the body of a girl and being alone. It was kind of funny to me because out of all the potential places where Tip ends up it's the orphanage where the witches select then new followers. It was especially funny when Tip brought up the line of "as an orphan women the choice was to either become a nun or a whore". Then the moments with the Wizard were okay I liked watching him scare villages into choosing science over magic. Then Dorothy and Lucas were great with them continuing to escape from the wizard's guard and it was really cool that they kind of confirmed that Lucas was a part of the guard because one of them knew him. The little girl they met was really cool with her magic kind of being linked up to fear. And just overall this was a really amazing episode and I can't wait for more.    

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